I have solved my original Windows JavaScript text extraction limitation by using a hidden iFrame (called TopFrame below) rather than a textarea or the title change event.
First I use a ChromiumFrameMBS.MainFrame to place the desired HTML (any size) into the iFrame. Then I reused the ChromiumFrameMBS.Frame(“TopFrame”) to extract either the display text or the dumped Source HTML into Xojo. So far there is no 4096 character limit.
Thank you to all who helped!
[quote]Dim tempChromiumBrowserMBS As ChromiumBrowserMBS = myHTMLViewer.ChromiumBrowserMBS
if tempChromiumBrowserMBS <> nil then
Dim tempChromiumFrameMBS As ChromiumFrameMBS = tempChromiumBrowserMBS.MainFrame
if tempChromiumFrameMBS <> nil then
tempString = “TopFrame.contentWindow.document.open();” + EndOfLine
tempString = tempString + “TopFrame.contentWindow.document.write(” + myCommand + “);” + EndOfLine
tempString = tempString + “TopFrame.contentWindow.document.close();” + EndOfLine
tempChromiumFrameMBS = tempChromiumBrowserMBS.Frame("TopFrame")
if tempChromiumFrameMBS <> nil then
Return tempChromiumFrameMBS.Source
end if
end if[/quote]