How to set Xojo's PDF resolution

When drawing a 600 DPI picture in a area, I see people getting a 72DPI garbage result. I couldn’t find in the manual how to set the resolution to the usual standards 150, 300 and 600 DPI. Am I missing something or is it an incomplete feature? Still a WIP, or the manual is not clear, or am I being myopic here?


This recent thread has a response from @Javier_Menendez that may prove useful:

No, really not useful. It ended without a solution, the version at that time presented the same defects, missing feature and people had no solution.

But there was a Feedback Case included in the discussion that you can sign on to and follow:

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Eight months old, not implemented yet.

You can use our MBS DynaPDF plugin instead of the built-in class.

We can do higher dpi, jpeg pass through, preserve or convert color spaces and later optimize images.

Well… but it won’t be a solution for “How to set Xojo’s PDF resolution”

But right now I know it’s a very basic missing feature that we do not have it working yet but we have an old report for it we can track. [](

Thanks for the info, Anthony.