How to fit DrawRectangle around DrawText

If you are in the Paint event you can draw lines quite easily with g.drawline

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Getting the Separator right solved the left margin.

Now the problem is the right side. If I remove padding then it right on the 20 unit inside, and if not it like 30 inside like the last image I posted. It also doesn’t matter if it’s padding*2 or not, as it is always 30 in.

g.DrawText(DisplayTextArea.Text, kMargin + padding , kMargin + padding , printwidth - padding )

I also tried subtracting padding from printwidth and got the same result.

Var printwidth as integer = g.width - leftmargin - rightmargin//- padding

Sorry. I just noticed the next word would push it over the edge.

Thank You, Tim H &

I got the rectangle around text to work. The code following is for the Paint Event in the DrawingCanvas control of the example CanvasDrawString project. I added in 3 DrawLines so I could tell where the borders are. I eliminated leftmargin, rightmargin, and Y1 in favor of the constant kMargin. I also figured out where TextAscent should be.

// clear the whole canvas
g.ClearRectangle(0, 0, DrawingCanvas.Width, DrawingCanvas.Height)
g.FontName = "Arial"
g.FontSize = 20
g.DrawingColor = Color.TextColor

Const kMargin = 20
Var w As Integer//width
Var h As Integer//height
Var padding as integer = 5
Var dcBox As DesktopUIControl = me

g.DrawLine( 0, 0, dcBox.Width, 0 )//Top
g.DrawLine( 0, 0, 0, dcBox.Height )//Left
g.DrawLine( dcBox.Width-1, 0, dcBox.Width-1, dcBox.Height )//Right

Var printWidth as integer = g.width - kMargin - kMargin - padding*2

// set the bold, italic, and underline properties
g.Bold = BoldCheck.Value
g.Underline = UnderlineCheck.Value
g.Italic = ItalicCheck.Value

w = min( printWidth, g.TextWidth(DisplayTextArea.Text) ) + padding*2
h = g.TextHeight(DisplayTextArea.Text, printWidth) + padding*2

g.DrawText( DisplayTextArea.Text, kMargin + padding , kMargin + padding + g.FontAscent , printWidth  )
g.DrawRectangle( kMargin, kMargin, w, h )
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