How to communicate the port for AutoDiscovery

This forum is becoming toxic for free speech. I also had one explanation about how the gender system of words and names in the portuguese language works, in the middle of a conversation, also flagged as inappropriate. Maybe the threshold number of votes to consider something “inappropriate” is too low. Maybe it should be 3+.


I agree. I’ve raised it with Dana and Jason, so hopefully we can get that adjusted. Now back to the topic :wink:


Yes, officer.


So I can find dynamically a port. But I am not able to find the first app from the second because the registering of the group is insufficient as AutoDiscovery must use everywhere the same port.

There are proposals of Thomas and Christian.

What is the best way?

  • Do a feature request to xojo for improving AutoDiscovery?

  • Build an own AutoDiscovery with the proposals of Thomas?

  • Use the MBS-Plugins as replacement for AutoDiscovery?

At this time I can use AutoDiscovery only with a given port, not with determining dynamically a free port.
I have a client on computer 1 and two servers on two other computers.

  1. To solve the Xojo and the community problem in a who knows when time frame.
  2. To solve your problem ASAP and help the community sharing it.
  3. To solve your problem ASAP.

In case of 2 or 3, do the 1 too.

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And wait forever for an implementation? Nah

And re-invent the wheel? Nah

Use a paid plugin-in? Nah

How about a 4th solution?
On Mac you can use “dns-sd -R …” (see man dns-sd) to register a service on network.
“dns-sd -B …” can be used to lookup a specific service, e.g.

dns-sd -B _http._tcp

There are also API calls for other lagunages and platforms available. So this should work cross-platform, too.

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Does anyone know an equivalent under Windows?
I need a solution on Mac and Windows.

MBS Plugin has one class for Mac and Windows.
And you would be compatible to other services using Bonjour.

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I love your plug-ins, but what about Linux? It has become quite important in Science.

Look in the MBS Linux Plugin plugin and use the avahi classes.

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