How Did You Find Xojo?

You should add a graph element for “Other” on that survey.

It (REALbasic) was actually recommended to me by an Apple employee when we were talking about hating Pascal and discussing the move from mac OS to OS X in '99 when we were looking into the new OS X betas (we were thinking about porting from A/UX). Let it slide until 2003 and then remembered it and picked up a copy at my local Apple Store (4.0 I believe).

I built a few utilities in VB and TurboPascal, then in 2004 I was working on a large theater project that was using LightWrite.
The documentation referred to this RealBasic thing. Cross platform with built-in database, awesome!

RESPONSES Web search 57.14% 44 Referred by a friend 14.29% 11 Profession specific site 9.09% 7 Other 19.48% 15 TOTAL 77


January 2000 (20 years ago ??!!!) I sent an email to thanks a guy who wrote softwares with RealBasic. I reported some bugs some days after, he answered me sending me his source code, and his RealBasic licence code. He phone me to explain how it works. Some weeks after I sent him back debugged. We are friend now, and in the real life as he is French (Paris) and we meet many time. I continued to play and to learn with his licence, and some years after I bought a licence and began to make my own programs.

Two decades ago I was trying to find a Mac solution that didn’t involve having to suffer C or C++. Metrowerks had gone and there were no other Object Pascal solutions worth mentioning. I looked at RealBASIC and was surprised that it wasn’t your father’s Basic, and was object-oriented. When I discovered it compiled to a native app I was sold. When I discovered the same code created a native Windows app, I threw money at Real Software, and have been doing so ever since (well until API 2.0).

Does seem that API2.0 has a lot of people “pumping the brakes”… with is unfortunate

In 1999 I did’nt know anything about programming, but when a friend showed me something he had done with RealBasic, I jumped to it. Due to my strained budget I have been renewing only when I found it necessary.

At present I do not foresee to renew, so I code with 19r1.1 and build with 19r2.1 (my last valid license); unless somebody convinces me to drop 19r1.1 and rely on 19r2.1 only. My fear being that dropping 19r.1.1, sooner or later I may find myself unwillingly forced to use API2.0.

It was back in 2004 (or somewhere around there) when MS announced the end of development for VB6 and then an advertisement for Real Basic 5.5 turned up - a free copy, so why not?

Been a fan ever since.

As for API 2.0 - I can see what it is trying to achieve. When you work with all 3 flavors of Xojo project (Desktop, web & iOS) you’ll easily see that there are places where there’s little/no consistancy in standards. This is not surprising after all these years. API 2.0 is obviously an attempt to apply standards where they haven’t been applied before. Yes new stuff to learn, but I thrive on that :slight_smile:

Have to. Not because I do not encourage further development of the language, but it’s just too risky to introduce non proven movements into running projects. It needs time to prove itself first. For desktop only, this movement doesn’t make sense to the user of my application. Waiting for API 2.0 enabling a nice and complete web-edition in 2020. If not, yeh … ?

4th dimension user in the 1990-2005 years. was fed up with the non oop language inside, too much hassle when programing same things over and over for different customers. looking for something else. found realbasic in 2000 but found it too “little” something. then with realstudio found it more “pro” (although I found later that all I needed was already in realbasic !) played with it some years, and bought my first licence when it became Xojo, starting a part-time custom programming job ever since.

Well said Wayne.

I’m using API 2.0 daily now in 2019r3 and enjoying it very much.

When Microsoft started to not support VB6 anymore, I decided it was time for a replacement. I searched the web and tried several other languages, but stayed with Xojo. For now I have created (re-wrote) a couple of desktop app’s which are used by my employer.
The ease of getting information in the forum made me decide to stay with Xojo.

[quote=469853:@Rob Valk]When Microsoft started to not support VB6 anymore, I decided it was time for a replacement. I searched the web and tried several other languages, but stayed with Xojo. For now I have created (re-wrote) a couple of desktop app’s which are used by my employer.
The ease of getting information in the forum made me decide to stay with Xojo.[/quote]

Back when i started with REALBasic there were no forums, but there was mailing list called the Network Users Group (NUG).

If not for all the help, advice and information shared on the NUG I likely would not have stayed with the product. The part of user community that participates this way has always been one of Xojo’s biggest assets … though sometimes I think tend to forget just how big an asset it is!

  • Karen

…by pure hazard, below a T-Bone steak ! :wink: