Hints welcome: how do you use git?

I am not one of those.

I’m being pushed away from MacOS day by day, so let me rephrase…

Many people prefers it over SourceTree; probably with more Windows people, and even more Linux people, as SourceTree isn’t even a Linux option. :smiley:

But I understand that for enterprise use with their own private servers it has costs and for some it’s a “no go”.

Sadly I have to admit, I feel like Rick. Not only moving slowly away from Mac as my main development platform to Debian. I’ve used Tower but since they moved to SaaS and collecting telemetry data, I’ve stopped using it. Sadly to say it’s the same with other tools I loved in the past like Paw. Today I can’t recommend any because everything in the Linux world is not really comparable with the comfort of Tower or with the UI on Mac. And Gitkraken is based on Javascript Electron, it’s not really native nor secure to me.

Well, this seems to be the price tag for Privacy and Data Sovereignty. I am writing this from my mid 2014 Retina Macbook Pro and it is the last Pro Macbook from Apple since the latest Generation is struggeling with thermal issues, keyboards, not removeable SSD (a no go for some clients of mine) and many more… I’ve not mentioned the connectivity and adoptors yet… but this is another sad topic…

That’s why we didn’t go the Git way, but chose Subversion. In Subversion we tell the files that they need a lock. Then when a developer wants to work on a piece of code (for instance a class) he needs to lock that file. When a file is locked another dev can’t work on it at the same time, since it’s locked. When commiting the changes, we unlock the file again, making it available for other devs.
We used the xml project format with external files so that they can be shared between projects.
I know the question was about Git, but I just wanted to pipe up because the problems described is why we didn’t go with Git.

Hey guys,

thank you so much for your input!!!

we took the time to compare a lot of git clients during the last days.

It turned out, that the perfect solution for us is the following:

  • As GUI client we use GitHb Desktop. It’s easy and lightweight and it has all the stuff we need. The console is fast opened, if you also want to do some terminal git commands. Also the one-click-checkout is easy to use if you are aware, that this changes your branch code immeditaly.
  • Our Git hoster, GitLab is one of the best services I experienced from a business tool. We use their in-build merge request feature, which merges the different branches without any distraction or diff problems.
  • We switched our branch usage from developer branches to feature branches. So we now have a lot of branches open (for every feature we’re working on), but the code changes are smaller. Merges getting easier since this.
  • I’ve set up a workflow, which saves a codebase before pushing to a custom folder on my mac, just in case some code is lost after pushing or merging, what we experienced during the last weeks.