Hiding Menu Items

I added a feedback <https://xojo.com/issue/51582> on friday

I ended up keeping hold of them in memory and adding them back in the correct location as needed.

I am not sure why some people are staying that hiding menus is the worst thing in the history of the world. A lot of applications have preference / registration based menu items that are shown and hidden as you use the applicaiton. Eg chromes developer menu item.

Those are different applications of the ability to hide the menu item.

The screenshot you posted shows you hiding Export Orders and Clear All Orders. These should not be hidden and shown based on selection, enable/disable is the way to handle those.

A registration menu item can be hidden once the app is registered, and never returned.
Chrome’s developer menu is specific to developers, so it’s hidden from the average user until it’s enabled.

Do you see the difference? If you don’t you should brush up on some User Experience basics.

Sorry but my screenshots did not show me hiding those menu items, they merely showed the difference in styles because there is a hidden menu item in the orders menu. We have plugins to a third party application which is enabled in the preferences. This sits under the order menu and has been removed, exactly the same concept as the developer menu.
Export orders and clear all orders are disabled, never hidden. So I think you have misunderstood my sample screen shots there.

We allow activation and deactivation of our software and you can update your registrations at any time, so hiding and showing of these are handled dynamically.