Help parsing JSON file

Looks good Cliff.

Yum - My wife and I were just discussing moving and expanding the veggie garden next spring!

Funny we just plowed our under this year
Half acre was just too much & the deer usually ate 80-90% of it before it was ready

We have a fence around ours to keep a chicken size flightless native bird out (called a Weka). It would either eat it, or just destroy everything for fun.

OH I’m sure the deer enjoyed every last bit. No “just stomping on stuff” juts because.
They’d eat the peas, not the beans, all the tops of the carrots and beets - never touched the lettuce.
And putting a bit enough fence around it is a couple thousand dollars

At the right time of year we just call them “dinner” :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s sadly hilarious! Sad because you had to stop having a garden; and vegetables that are not picked immediately are not as nice as just “go into the garden and get some peas” or whatever.

I would also like to thank you, and everyone else who helped with this Post. My app is running well. I do have a few minor tweaks I would like to make, but the main thing is that it remembers its state between launches (otherwise it would not have been very useful).

Oh I never said we stopped having A garden - just not that one :stuck_out_tongue:
We have a few raised beds right close to the house they won’t come near because of the humans, dogs etc.
We have asparagus, tomatoes, beets and a few other items in there which we can pick (as long as it doesn’t snow at some weird time of year like this year :frowning: it kill all the tomatoes JUST as they were really getting nice & large & ripe

oh and a rhubarb that is slowly turning into the man eating plant from Little shop of Horrors - it had to be 7 feet around & 4 feet tall this year.

Rhubarb does that. I hope you remain vigilant when around it, we can’t afford to lose you from these forums :slight_smile: