gunzip without a file

[quote=85516:@Jeremy Cowgar]Xojo actually has built in gzip, gunzip methods that work on memory or files. They are private and have changed over the course of time. Seems a shame to have the functionality already in the standard library but not be able to use it.


In the mean time, I found somewhere, should have recorded, a gzip library. It’s declares around the gzip library. If you’re interested, I’ll put it up somewhere for you to grab.[/quote]

in Feedback 19807 you find an example how to use the internal RS lib. but Xojo advise not to use it.

Xojo/RS recommend not to use this code below

// Example how to use Xojo’s internal Gzip
//Compress String with _GzipString:
Dim s As String = “Uncompressed String”
Dim s1 As String

Dim GzipString As new _GzipString

//Compressed String
s1 = GzipString.Compress(s)