[quote=126572:@Norman Palardy]Counting in days is reasonably precise.
Counting in weeks is also.
Counting in any other units requires some heuristics - and then you get into situations where “well I would have said” vs what someone else would have said.[/quote]
You are right, human beings often have imprecise ways of referring to things. Which incidentally promises a world of misinterpretation for gadgets such as Siri
Talking about precision, I woke up this morning thinking about the dates Tim picked.
I do not understand. Between 2013/2/20 and 2014/2/5, say at 12 midnight or 24:00 hour for the commodity of the count.
If I count days on my calendar, I will put my finger on each of the days, including 2013/2/21 since the 20th has already elapsed until 2013/2/28 = 7 days. Then on every day from 2014/2/1 to 2014/2/5 = 5 days. That makes 12 days.
I placed on the same application the DateDifferenceMBS example set to these dates, Hamish method and Tim method.
Hamish and Tim methods say 11 months and 16 days.
Christian’s plugin says 11 months and 12 days.
I am sorry, but after counting again on my faithful paper calendar with my little index finger, I find 11 month and 12 days, admitting I will count February 5, 2014 as part of the count. DateDifferenceMBS says the same.
Call me number dyslexic, there is absolutely no way whatever hand or finger I use I can find 16 days.
More interesting, between 2012/2/20 and 2013/2/5, same 12 midnight/ 24:00 hour. Counting with my fingers on my faithful paper calendars pages, I find 13 days, since 2012 being a leap year, February has 29 days.
How is it MBS still finds 12 and other methods 16 ?
As Norman pointed out, human beings sometimes have strange ways of counting, but in this instance, something tells me the computer is wrong…