Getting pixel data in memoryblock to a viewable image

So for an 8 bit image with this grabber, the following code grabs the frame:

Var buffer as Uint64
Var epoc as Uint64 = Integer.FromHex("0x00000000")
Var frameID as UInt16 = Integer.FromHex("0xabcd")
Var grabimage as Integer

buffer = row * col 
Var mb As New MemoryBlock(buffer)
grabimage = GetBufferY8(localHandle,mb,epoc,frameID)

  Window1.ImageWell1.Image = Picture.FromData(mb)  
Catch err As UnsupportedFormatException
  ShowMessageBox("Not a supported picture format", "Error")
End Try

ShowMessageBox() is a method in my app to display an error and log it
GetBufferY8() is from the frame grabber dylib, returns an error/success code

And I’m seeing nothing in the image well when I do this, though it’s not failing either.

When I hit the break after the call to GetBufferY8(), and look at the contents of the memory block, all the entries are hexadecimal, but the text area where that’s displayed in the IDE has no scroll, so I can’t look past the first few entries, to see if it looks like sane image data.