Getting correct URL for HTMLViewer

Here is what you do to get the current URL.

Code in a button. To obtain the URL after the last part of the page has loaded, reset a timer in each Document Complete, so after the last one has elapsed, the timer fires :

Sub Action() HTMLViewer1.ExecuteJavaScript("document.title='zurl '+document.URL;") End Sub

You get the URL in the Titlechanged event :

Sub TitleChanged(newTitle as String) if instr(newTitle,"zurl")>0 then dim myURL() as string = split(newTitle, "zurl") msgbox myURL(1) end if End Sub

Note the ‘zurl’ label I used to identify the title in which the URL is sent back from the JavaScript. You can also use it to distinguish between the JavaScript result and the regular title.

I used the site which is a good example of a site that takes you to another location. in fact ends up as after going through three intersticial pages.