Get dates in future for only certain days of the week. DateInterval?

My Idea

Private Function CreateDateSeries(fromDate As DateTime, toDate As DateTime, DayOfWeekAllowed() As Boolean) As DateTime()
  Var dates() As DateTime
  Var currentDate As DateTime = fromDate
    If DayOfWeekAllowed(currentDate.DayOfWeek) = True Then '1=Sunday, 7=Saturday
    End If
    currentDate = currentDate + New DateInterval(0,0,1) '+1 Day
  Loop Until currentDate > toDate
  Return dates
End Function


Var fromDate As DateTime = DateTime.Now
Var toDate As DateTime = DateTime.Now + New DateInterval(0,3,0)

Var dates() As DateTime = CreateDateSeries(fromDate,toDate ,Array(False,False,True,False,True,False,True,False))

System.DebugLog fromDate.ToString(DateTime.FormatStyles.Full) + " - " + toDate.ToString(DateTime.FormatStyles.Full)

For Each d As DateTime In dates
  System.DebugLog d.ToString(DateTime.FormatStyles.Full)