FileSystemWatcher Equivalent

A different X-platfrom plugin solution exists

great. If Björn did it, I won’t need to do it :slight_smile:

Except if someone doesn’t want to buy several non-free plugins. I guess it’d be not that uncommon.
(specifically, I’m seeing the einhugur plugin as a very specific one; if you need only 1 or 2 function(s) of it, you still need to buy the entire plugin. It’s undoubtedly a good plugin, but far more specific than the MBS plugin, which covers a lot of areas, and is cheaper).

of course you can always opt to not buy the plugins and build that functionality for yourself using declares or a plugin or whatever other means

I look forward to your contribution to the Xojo open source ecosystem

[quote=476680:@Norman Palardy]of course you can always opt to not buy the plugins and build that functionality for yourself using declares or a plugin or whatever other means

I look forward to your contribution to the Xojo open source ecosystem[/quote]
Well, if I have time to make a Xojo version, no problem for me to share it; it’s just not on my priority list right now and I don’t ever know if I’ll have time to do certain things. But I’ll try.

As it stands, the Einhugur plugin interests me for two reasons: the picture effects plugin and the Linux FS Events. If the latter is done in pure Xojo code, would I still consider buying the plugin for “just” the picture effects with the whole price?

I doubt Bjorns are done in Xojo code
C++ is more likely

I have enough stuff on my todo list…

The first function costs money, the rest is free.
If your budget is limited, use a trial/demo version and grab the license at the next sale.

Yes, no problem for me.

The first function one uses in code? In events ordering or when writing parts of the app?
Then the price (around 150 euros, IIRC) can be for just one function of the plugin, should you use only one. Rather expensive…
Later, if the second function is considered “free”, I’ll still remember the price of the first one (and for a long time…).

Since the picture effects functions I’m interested in are for an in-house project, I’m indeed considering running my app exclusively inside the IDE, as a debug app and keeping the trial version. I haven’t tried yet whether this is feasible.

[quote=476683:@Norman Palardy]I doubt Bjorns are done in Xojo code
C++ is more likely[/quote]
Language issue here…
By “If the latter is done in pure Xojo code”, I meant “If I (or someone else) make a pure Xojo version (without plugin)…” (… I would have to buy the plugin for only one class).

Think of it this way. Try all the demo code to see if any does meet your need. If not, you’ve saved €150. Count the hours you’ve spent looking for solutions, trying to ‘roll you own’ method, talked on the forum, put it off until absolutely necessary, written something yourself, then tested it and maintained it for a year (rather than emailed the plugin author and had them fix it in a day, while you sleep).

Is this time worth €150 to you?

I would not buy plugin only for filesystem watching at least not without testing well first since all the Apis on the different platforms have very different limitations.

[quote=476760:@David Cox]Think of it this way. Try all the demo code to see if any does meet your need. If not, you’ve saved €150. Count the hours you’ve spent looking for solutions, trying to ‘roll you own’ method, talked on the forum, put it off until absolutely necessary, written something yourself, then tested it and maintained it for a year (rather than emailed the plugin author and had them fix it in a day, while you sleep).

Is this time worth €150 to you?[/quote]
I’d still answer “it depends…”.
If “rolling my own method” goes straight, then paying is subject to the money I can spend. In the case of FS Events [under Linux], I don’t expect the API to change often, so maintaining the code would be easy.
If it takes a lot of time or is a complex conversion, then I agree; better paying.