Feedback ranking

I think what Emile wanted to point to is that there are feature request which enhance the framework and others which enhance the workflow and he thinks that enhancements of the framework should always be valued as more important than enhancements of the workflow. I belong to that group to.

I almost quit working with Xojo because of the new IDE (I still think it is a bad, bad IDE and I would gladly take the RB one back if it worked with the new framework). On the other hand I really like the new framework. So I decided to stay with Xojo for the foreseeable future.

Alwyn, OK, I’ve switch my top case to yours, ranked #27 now.


I came from (BASIC AppleSoft, assembler, C) HyperCard and so I have the habit to put code in objects so this never bother me.

Not only I do not love the current IDE, but… I am feeling insecure when I use it.

That point established, try to imagine the following:

a. Put two twins in front of Xojo for one and XCode for the other,
b. Give them a two minutes explanation,
c. ask them to do the same (simple) application.

Who will finish first ?

[quote=230753:@Tomas Jakobs]Mmmm here are my favorites… just for your information… the oldest feature request is 15 year old by now…


There’s enough on your list alone to keep me busy for a few release cycles (and one or two genuinely hard problems to solve). As others have said, the prioritization isn’t entirely based off of Feedback rank because of situations like this where one case might take a month to tackle.

Is it not Retina support envisioned for 2016 ? That would be HiDpi support would it not ? Now at the risk of being tacky, I wonder if Windows will get some love in that respect…

As mentioned in Geoff’s XDC keynote, retina support is scheduled for 2015. We’re working on Windows, but I don’t know what state it will be in for 2015r4.
