FastSpring / Paddle Integration

I’m not saying to sack the in-app system; augment it by having a system in place to allow for activations without going through an untrusted in-app web browser. You will also need it for non-instant payments.

I dont and wont use an in-app purchase. been bitten too many times. and I have not bought software based on them using a payment processor that I have had issues with in the past. Not say FS/P is one of those bad processors.

just my 2 cents.

Absolutely. I agree.

[quote=316990:@scott boss]I dont and wont use an in-app purchase. been bitten too many times. and I have not bought software based on them using a payment processor that I have had issues with in the past. Not say FS/P is one of those bad processors.

just my 2 cents.[/quote]

Yes it is; you can also create a Xojo web app to handle it :slight_smile:

Cool :slight_smile:

No, they cannot do Eur. They will always transfer anything to $ when doing a payout - unless this changed from last month when I asked FastSpring.

Share-It does Euro.
Fastspring only USD.