Examples for multi-user dbase on web app multiple instances

Even then. All that autocommit=0 does is that it requires you to manually commit or rollback the transaction. See autocommit — MariaDB Documentation .

You are correct for auto-start-transactions. I was interpreting what you said for a moment as you were talking about an entire transaction cycle, the default, auto begin/command/commit cycle as people are used to.

With auto-commit off, It just do the auto-begin (and no auto-commit) and starts holding everything in a transaction until an explicit commit or rollback or fail, that if not well controlled (forgotten open) can cause problems, and that’s why it’s not the default behavior.

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Don’t use a RowSet to update records. It has never worked reliably. Update each record with an independent ExecuteSQL(“update…”) statement.

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Understood, appreciate the warning. In this case I’m merely ‘using’ the rowset to nab the ID, and then running separate Updates to alter the data, prior to releasing the set. :slight_smile: