Example i2c connection to raspberry pi 3A+

Tanks Eugene

I will still study a lot

Hello Eugene, do you have already a „preferred display“, with some XOJO code.
@Marco_Monzani : if the answer is yes : I would prefer to use this display…

BR Rainer

Hi @Rainer_Greim,

There is no specific display which is better or worse than the other. What I really like is when there is example code (pick any language), and clear documentation. Chuckle, there are some well written documents out there, along with some at the other end of the scale :wink:

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Of course I’m willing to buy a new display i2c (always small in size), just to control it from xojo. :+1:


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Ciao Marco,
you have to convert this library to Xojo https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_SSD1306
the you will have the command you have requested

I know that you have said that you don’t know python, however it’s simple. It’s only a long and tedious work.

The class simply expose easy methods and translate in GPIO commands (there you need the cited library for xojo)

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btw. baudarate for i2c
check / set : edit the config with sudo nano /boot/config.txt

this is the value u also need for you settings in your XOJO Code.

BR Rainer

Ciao Antonio.

Ti conosco per fama, ho usato “libopencv”.
La Libreria che dici l’ho installata su raspberry per phyton, e in effetti il display funziona con gli esempi phiton.
Come faccio a trasformarla per xojo, io nn sono certo a quel livello.


Thanks to everyone for the valuable advice and help, which I am still studying.
As soon as I can solve it, I share it.


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