Embedding TTF Fonts

I don’t recall why that code did not use specialFolders.Fonts… I must have had a reason, but I don’t recall it!

In any case you can point it anyplace you like of course.


It would be nice if Xojo listed ALL fonts on a Mac:
Library > Fonts
System > Library > Fonts
System > AssetsV2.
Since by declares all these fonts get available, it should be doable.

There’s a sample project at the Xojo Samples folder:

Example Projects > Platform-Specific > macOS > macOSSystemFonts

Yes, it does its job through declares. What I’m looking for is for
Dim f as FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Fonts
to list all those fonts.

This FolderItem only lists then macOS /System/Library/Fonts folder, but there are couple of more places where fonts on macOS can be stored. So the project from the samples folder should list them all.

Exactly, Apple-owned folders such as
Library > Fonts
System > Library > Fonts
System > AssetsV2.

That’s why I’d like Xojo to extend the scope/range of SpecialFolder.Fonts to the abovementioned folders in order to get all those fonts as well.