Einhugur Plugin Releases (2020)

Wow thank you very very much Björn !

PictureEffectsRaw 4.6 is out

The PictureEffectsRaw plugin for Xojo enables you to do advanced image processing in Xojo using up to 8 CPU cores at once. And some of the effects can also do it in asynchronous mode.

The PictureEffectsRaw has the following effects: Brightness, Contrast, Color filtering, Levels, Tint, Temperature, Grayscale, Gamma, Hue - Saturation, Invert, Sepia, Exposure, Gain / Bias, Contrast Stretch, Desaturate, Equalize, Replace color, Blur, Gaussian Blur, Crystalize, Sharpen, Smooth, High quality Bilinear Scaling, Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, Stretch Horizontal, Stretch Vertical, High quality rotation, Trim, Shape distort, Polar Coordinates, Trim, Barrel distort, Interlace, Emboss, Edge Detect, Oil Paint, Rank Order, Gradient, Clouds, Wood, Marble, Textile, Labyrinth , Rainbow Effect, Channel mixer, Blend, Map, Custom 3x3 matrix, Page Curl and ImageComparer.

New in PictureEffectsRaw 4.6:
New :: Brought back the PageCurl effect from the old PictureEffects plugin.
New :: Added new example project for the PageCurl effect.
New :: Added ForceThreads property to the MPImageFilterRaw base class.
New :: Added MaximumCPUCores property to the MPImageFilterRaw base class.
Fix :: Fixed bug in the ColorFilterRaw class which prevented it from working for 16bit per channel images.

More info at www.einhugur.com

Now that Xojo 2020r2 has been released then I would like to invite all our users to the side where we have been releasing while Xojo was in beta due to NDA, until we have moved it all to the main web.

There are many things we have already there for Apple Silicon and also for iOS:


All the plugins listed on that site are final versions, and not just test versions.


GraphicsFormats 8.0is out

GraphicsFormats is a Xojo plugin to import and export pictures from and too various of file formats, maintaining attributes that are needed for high quality Image processing, many of which would get lost normal Xojo Picture object.

GraphicsFormats supports:
PNG: 8 bit per channel, RGB or Gray, 16 bit per channel RGB or Gray, ICC Color profiles, alpha channels. File IO, String IO.
JPEG: 8 bit per channel, RGB or Gray, CMYK, ICC Color profiles. . File IO, String IO.
TIFF: 8 bit per channel, RGB or Gray, 16 bit per channel RGB or Gray, 8 bit per channel CMYK, 16 bit per channel CMYK, ICC Color profiles, alpha channels. . File IO, String IO.
TGA: 8 bit per channel, RGB, Alpha channels. . File IO, String IO.
HDR: RGBe -> Which can be delivered in RGB 8 bits per channel, RGB 16 bits per channel or 32 bit per channel RGBf (float), File IO, String IO.
ICO: Mulitiple images within ICO file, File IO, String IO.
WebP: Lossy and Lossless codec, Alpha channels and no Alpha channels.
BMP: Can read all bit depts, and can read BMP’s with color palettes. Can read and write BMP’s with alpha channels (even if most programs do not support the Alpha channels for BMP)
GIF: Can read still and animated GIF’s. (writing not yet supported).

The RawBitmaps used in the GraphicsFormats plugin then can be used seamlessly with the Einhugur PictureEffectsRaw plugin for ImageProcessing, our PDF plugin for attaching images to your PDF documents, our ExcelWriter plugin and our Color Management Plugin.

New in GraphicsFormats 8.0:
New :: Added Apple Silicon compile (Not tested).
Fix :: Fixed issue where RawBMPExporter.SaveToString returned NULL or crashed instead of string representing the BMP.

There is no iOS support yet, but I expect it will come for most or all parts of this plugin.

More info at www.einhugur.com

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Good morning (o;

Have a quick question regarding the Python3 scripting plugin…

As I do currently most work with PyQt5…can I use the Python3 scripting plugin to call numpy mathematical and image manipulation functions?

thanks in advance

You can load some special instances of Python like Anaconda for example.

But it really depends on what it is your calling I guess how its threading is and what it needs for parameters, like i its image manipulation like you say then you definitely will not be sending in Xojo picture object, but it may or may not work by sending in paths to image files.

Hello Björn…

I was more thinking about passing bitmap arrays between Xojo and Python3…so load an image in Xojo…pass it to Python3 for image processing and then return the image array back to Xojo for displaying the processed version…

Read on your site that the Linux demo version works normally?

“In spirit of Linux then our Demo versions for the Xojo addons are full versions on Linux systems”

Ah right…and speaking of your great plugins…the date/tie addons support of course internationalization? (o;

I dont know the answer if that is practial or not. Other option would be to do the Image processing in Xojo Image processing plugin like PictureEffectsRaw, but depends on what you need to process obviously.

Yes Linux demo versions are full versions.

And yes the DatePickers should support internalization

Well I intend do buy the plugins anyway…maybe not this Black Friday offer as most of my budget will go into a new Xojo Desktop license…here the xmas bonus is never payed in November (o;

Demo version of PictureEffectsRaw is also full version on Linux, all of the demo plugins on Linux from us are full versions.

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Hello Björn

Thanks for the good news :slight_smile:

So I can start evaluating on Linux, which is my main target for personal use, and then eventually move to a license when it comes to build for macOS…

Is there a way to subscribe to a newsletter so I get notified about updates and upcoming offers?

thanks in advance

I post all update notes here on this forum. Also on our twitter and discord (Link to those can be found on the left bar on the Einhugur web)

I also make an app called Plugins Pro that can help you keep up to date (among other handy features). :slight_smile:


ErrorProvider 3.0 is out.

New in ErrorProvider 3.0:
Added Apple Silicon Support. (Not tested)

The ErrorProvider plugin is a Xojo plugin to put error providers on forms and windows.

A error provider is a blinking indicator that indicates that a given field has a error. They’re used to indicate errors in user input after form or window validation.

The error provider can show errors for many controls at once with just one instance of the error provider.

More info at www.einhugur.com

GraphicsFormats 8.0.2 is out

New in version 8.0.2:
Fixed issue with RawPNGImporter.OpenFromString returning nil.

GraphicsFormats is a Xojo plugin to import and export pictures from and too various of file formats, maintaining attributes that are needed for high quality Image processing, many of which would get lost normal Xojo Picture object.

GraphicsFormats supports:
PNG: 8 bit per channel, RGB or Gray, 16 bit per channel RGB or Gray, ICC Color profiles, alpha channels. File IO, String IO.
JPEG: 8 bit per channel, RGB or Gray, CMYK, ICC Color profiles. . File IO, String IO.
TIFF: 8 bit per channel, RGB or Gray, 16 bit per channel RGB or Gray, 8 bit per channel CMYK, 16 bit per channel CMYK, ICC Color profiles, alpha channels. . File IO, String IO.
TGA: 8 bit per channel, RGB, Alpha channels. . File IO, String IO.
HDR: RGBe -> Which can be delivered in RGB 8 bits per channel, RGB 16 bits per channel or 32 bit per channel RGBf (float), File IO, String IO.
ICO: Mulitiple images within ICO file, File IO, String IO.
WebP: Lossy and Lossless codec, Alpha channels and no Alpha channels.
BMP: Can read all bit depts, and can read BMP’s with color palettes. Can read and write BMP’s with alpha channels (even if most programs do not support the Alpha channels for BMP)
GIF: Can read still and animated GIF’s. (writing not yet supported).

The RawBitmaps used in the GraphicsFormats plugin then can be used seamlessly with the Einhugur PictureEffectsRaw plugin for ImageProcessing, our PDF plugin for attaching images to your PDF documents, our ExcelWriter plugin and our Color Management Plugin.

more info at www.einhugur.com

Do you have a timeline for DateControl? It’s my last missing plugin for ARM.

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I cannot fix that one until I can debug sadly since it has that crash on Apple Silicon.

Apple said to me 5 weeks on my order. And I expected MacStadium to supply rental 2 weeks ago to use in the mean time but nothin so far there. (The 5 weeks was while ago, so if they will be on time then its around xmas or between xmas and new year)

In the mean time then you can possibly avoid the crash by putting the control in non drop down mode (I do not know this for sure it is just a theory).

Thanks for the information.

Or…I could build one test version for you where we dodge the crash and risk tiny memory leak for now instead.

I’d prefer a debugged version sans crash. :grinning: