Did that, too. Doesn’t do anything either.
Why are now all open tickets in the Open status? This doesn’t make any sense at all. How am I to differentiate between brand new tickets and verified ones.
Did that, too. Doesn’t do anything either.
Why are now all open tickets in the Open status? This doesn’t make any sense at all. How am I to differentiate between brand new tickets and verified ones.
You won’t be able to differentiate, that’s one of the changes.
From the blog:
Because several case statuses are misunderstood, we are simplifying them. The bottom line is that a case is open until it’s not.
now all are ‘Open’
We are still thinking about how that part will work. However, mostly these are going to be very old cases. Often when come across these cases we find they are no longer reproducible in the current version and close them.
Please don’t mention any company. Its only Xojo has limited resources when comparing the project of this size. This is where we are recommending to employ more people to check the bugs reported and if possible to the development team. We are all supporting you Xojo to become global and to achieve this Please listen to what the community is advising. Please come out of the shell by thinking only you know better than others.
That helps nobody
Nope, it only makes things worse.
Even old cases may still be relevant. But it needs someone to check the cases.
e.g. you have a ton of cases related to Carbon framework, which are probably no longer an issue since the switch to Cocoa.
But for Web 1 cases, that’s more difficult to decide.
Every company (or person, for that matter) has limited resources, this is a law of economics. It’s just that for some, like an Apple or a Microsoft, the limits are so high as to be of no practical consequence.
Xojo is not Apple or Microsoft.
Is @Robin_Lauryssen-Mitchell ok? I don’t see him in Feedback today, of all days.
Trying to hide the real status of case does not decrease the anxiety about the resolution, just increases the sensation of abandonment, if you don’t see it evolving from open → Reviewed → etc. If the idea is to show a simple open/closed view to know it at a glance, show a “sub-status” near to the real descriptive one as a green/yellow/red flag (circle, green as open, yellow as demands more data from the user, red=closed).
That should not mean xojo can’t grow or maybe it has grown* too much for it’s team… or maybe there is some other thing that… ooh well comparing the sky with a rice …
To rehash what I already discussed with Geoff, I don’t like the Open → Closed scheme. I’d prefer something like New → Open → Closed, just so we can get a sense that some human at least saw the report.
When did you discuss that with Geoff?
Agreed that currently Xojo is not Apple or Microsoft. But if they want to grow like Apple or Microsoft, they have to put resources. Otherwise they will grow only downwards. If Xojo is wise enough let them listen to the community.
MVP’s had a long conversation about this a couple of days ago.
And they still went with what we’ve ended up with? Ooof. It reminds me of when the forum was nuked because we had one person a month necro’ing old posts…
I don’t want “the sense”, I want “to know” what’s the real status of any case. I agree that an EXTRA 3 state as I suggested is great for a manager having some overview at a glance of some list.
I prefer them to be closed and we start back from scratch. Many cases I have that are left open since more than 10 years are bugs that don’t apply anymore to the current Xojo; I fairly understand Xojo inc. can’t review all of them that have accumulated over the years as of today.
Time to clean the open bugs list so that Xojo has a better view of the current state, IMO. Everyone would benefit from that, rather than messy cases staying all around.
I disagree. I think it’s more a resource constraint than a technical limitation.
That’s valid for a group of people playing cards in an asylum, not for software development.
People is waiting for years to have their cases solved and one day they find “we just ignored all your effort and closed your case, do it AGAIN a wait few more years”.