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App wrapper and exe wrapper save me a ton of time. It can be a hair ripper but those 2 make it a lot easier!


Why wait?
I wish you the very best of luck in all your endeavours.

Thanks, Iā€™m not waiting as per say, its just not at the top of my list because I imagine itā€™s not going to be a simple job and there are things that I feel need to be done before I allocate a large chunk of time to it.

Then there is Appleā€™s surprises which I need to handle, like a modification to their fast directory listing for 12.3 (which breaks AW 4.4, but a fix is coming). Which makes me feel like I cannot trust this function anymore and so Iā€™ve re-prioritized Aeon, a new FSCartographer where I control more of the process (and Iā€™m hoping once fully fleshed out will be faster than the current Blackbird engine).

Edit: This is one of the reasons as to why Iā€™ve been so vocally against Appleā€™s rabid pace of change, as it literally is causing me to spend too much time finding workarounds for whatever theyā€™ve broken this month, instead of working on solutions or improvements to my apps.



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