Difference between AbsolutePath and NativePath

I would suppose it is still the recommended way to store a file or folder reference in a file or database, but for storing a reference internally in a Xojo app, why not just stick with the FolderItem itself?

I “would suppose” so too, Michael. Making the distinction of saving to file as opposed to internal usage, I was looking for conformation of our “supposing” :slight_smile:

conformation = confirmation :slight_smile:

FolderItem allows you to write cross platform code but the only way to store the path data and use it on a different platform is to store the path as a string. Last time I checked you couldn’t store a FolderItem via FolderItem.GetSaveInfo() on a Mac and use the data on Windows.

Why go through GetSaveInfo which is relative ?

And, frankly, how often does one have to store a path on Mac and retrieve it on Windows, or the other way around, for different machines that do not even have the same file system structure ?

[quote=119957:@Michel Bujardet]Why go through GetSaveInfo which is relative ?

And, frankly, how often does one have to store a path on Mac and retrieve it on Windows, or the other way around, for different machines that do not even have the same file system structure ?[/quote]

I must admit it has been several years since I looked at GetSaveInfo so can only remember it didn’t work for what we needed. Parts of our system map paths between file systems on a regular basis so for us this is important. Even without having to do this there still wasn’t a reliable way to store paths that could be re-loaded at a later time so we had to use AbsolutePath as the solution.