Detect App Translocation

What do you mean with “app can’t see it”? Translocation affects files next to the app and not in another folder.

I mean in the Finder

Documents/MyApp/NamedSubfolder is easily visible

In the app


doesnt exist.
Until the app has been moved about.
And then it ‘stops existing’ again later, which makes me think translocation.
My other suspect is iCloud, but moving the app wouldnt affect the visibility of a folder in Documents?

Extra: the more i think about it, the more I suspect iCloud is whipping the files away.
There is a setting that archives them if not regularly used.
And a tickbox that says ‘leave them local if space allows’

So if a file is archived, and I expect to find it in

how do I access it if it is hiding in iCloud? Surely OSX should handle that transparently?

you can check app.exectuable.nativepath. if it contains something like translocation, it’s wrong.