Deploying 64 bit xoJo app on centOS 7 64 bit

But your script gave me the same error as I’m getting. Is it possible the cgi from Xojo has something going on with it?

I don’t know perl so I’m not sure. It has a bunch of “if is_windows” stuff in it.


Give me a few minutes and I will make a test Xojo/Web and see what happens on my server

Thanks so much. Take your time, I’ll be here.

I am using Xojo 2016R1.1 in case that matters. I am trying to create a 64 bit Linux app.


built small sample cgi app, uploaded to cgi-bin, set permissions and cgi app fired right up when viewing

Alan Test

Looks great. Let me try a simple app and see if it works.
Maybe there is something in my app.

Ok, here is where I am now. I created a new SimpleApp project, with just a webpage with a button that displays a msgbox when clicked.

If I build and create a stand alone app, it works on my server, Port 9000.

If I build a cgi app, and put on my server, I get the the same error as I did before.

Brian, trying to see what might be different between your setup and mine. I am using Xojo 2016r1.1. I have it set to create an x86 64-bit. Is that how yours is set?


Yes I used Xojo 2016R1.1 and my Server is CentOS 7 x64

I created my test CGI as x86 64 Linux build and port to automatically choose.

I do have an error in my error_log. I was looking at the wrong error_log before.

It says “End of script output before headers: simpleapp.cgi”

Seems like maybe it doesn’t like something in the .cgi file itself.

Wonder if my version of Perl or something is different??

When I do a perl -v I get

This is perl 5, version 16, subversion 3 (v5.16.3) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi.

I thought maybe the file xfer was goofing up the file, but I transferred again as text and I still get the error.

Do you think it would help to use the newest version of Xojo?? Maybe it would create a slightly different version of the cgi file?

How are you copying the files to your server? I currently am using WinSCP and manually changing the permissions, but I have tried automatic mode, text mode on the scripts, binary on the executable, etc, but haven’t gotten it to work yet.

This usually means that the app crashed before responding. [quote=280913:@Alan Sawyer]Do you think it would help to use the newest version of Xojo?? Maybe it would create a slightly different version of the cgi file?[/quote]
The cgi script itself hasn’t changed since 2012.

For the most part you should use automatic.

I would try removing the htaccess file first. It just may be that your server config doesn’t require it.

Also, make sure that the user who is running your app (Apache, www, etc) has write permissions to the config file and execute permissions on the cgi, binary and libs.

I tried removing .htaccess file but no change.

I changed most permissions to 777 so anything should be able to write and execute. Still no happiness.

I am open to anything else to try. Getting a bit frustrated, but will continue to work on it.

Wish the error message was any better at indicating what the real issue is.


you said this was a deicated server. So you have shell access (ssh) right.

did you try ldd myapp and ldd *.so (in the Libs Sub-Folder)?

it sounds to me like you have a missing dependency. (At least i would think so - hat an error nearly like this and i was missing a dependency of one of the used libs (plugin) for the app.

Yes I did that and I have no missing dependencies.

I will do it again in the AM, but I did do that and there were no “Not founds” in the list. Everything looked good.

That’s why I feel like I’m so close. Also for my simpleapp, it does run in Stand Alone, which I believe uses the same libraries.


There is something going on with permissions or FirewallD

Hard to say as every configuration is different but you are sure SELinux is not running?

I wouldn’t think a firewall issue would cause the script error, but i will recheck it.

I have glibc_217 installed. I am thinking that since it’s at least v2.14 I should be good?

That is the correct glibc for x64

Besides you would have seen errors when running ldd against the app

I know because i tried running a web app built for x64 on CentOS 6 that did not have the correct glibc