The following will give you a list of directory entries, very quickly (on Win32 target at least).
Function FastItems(extends f as FolderItem) As FolderItem()
#if Not TargetWin32
return nil
// Return all of the files within a folder in the quickest way possible.
// courtesy:
// With modificaitons by me to use NativePath, corrected a minor bug and ignore ".", ".." entries.
// NOTE: This is windows only....XP to present.
Soft Declare Function FindFirstFileA Lib "Kernel32" ( path as CString, data as Ptr ) as Integer
Soft Declare Function FindFirstFileW Lib "Kernel32" ( path as WString, data as Ptr ) as Integer
Soft Declare Function FindNextFileA Lib "Kernel32" ( handle as Integer, data as Ptr ) as Boolean
Soft Declare Function FindNextFileW Lib "Kernel32" ( handle as Integer, data as Ptr ) as Boolean
Declare Sub FindClose Lib "Kernel32" ( handle as Integer )
dim ret( -1 ) as FolderItem
dim handle as Integer
// Sanity check
if not f.Directory then return ret
dim data as MemoryBlock
if System.IsFunctionAvailable( "FindFirstFileW", "Kernel32" ) then
data = new MemoryBlock( 592 )
handle = FindFirstFileW( f.NativePath + "*.*", data )
data = new MemoryBlock( 318 )
handle = FindFirstFileA( f.NativePath + "*.*", data )
end if
if handle <> -1 then
// Loop over all of the items in using the handle and the find data
dim done as Boolean
// Add the current item
dim temp as FolderItem
if System.IsFunctionAvailable( "FindFirstFileW", "Kernel32" ) then
temp = GetFolderItem(f.NativePath+data.WString(44),FolderItem.PathTypeNative) //FolderItem( data.WString( 44 ), FolderItem.PathTypeAbsolute )
// Loop to the next item
done = FindNextFileW( handle, data )
temp = GetFolderItem(f.NativePath+data.WString(44),FolderItem.PathTypeNative) //FolderItem( data.WString( 44 ), FolderItem.PathTypeAbsolute )
// Loop to the next item
done = FindNextFileA( handle, data )
end if
// Add the current item to our list
// Ignore . and ..
Dim tmpString as String = temp.Name
If tmpString <> "." and tmpString <> ".." then
ret.Append( temp )
End If
loop until not done
FindClose( handle )
end if
return ret
End Function