Go retro or go home:
But more seriously: JetBrains Mono NL 16pt.
One String to rule them all
Hi Paul,
Where do you get the Jetbrains font?
Get it (and others) from the Nerd Fonts site, linked above. They take the original font and add all sorts of additional glyphs that are missing.
Thanks Kem.
I visited that site yesterday, but did not realize the Jetstream fonts were also there.
SF Mono
Good old Courier New, 14
I think any fixed width font is good.
On Mac: fixed font “Consolas” 15
Menlo 16
Andale Mono or Monaco, depending on the platform.
For the longest time I used Comic Sans MS; I am now trying to use Comic Mono: Comic Mono | comic-mono-font
I regularly have problems with eye strain related headaches and read an article about how Comic Sans was designed for a high degree of readability (I think it was originally made with dyslexic computer users in mind?) and some developers found using Comic Sans MS reduced their eye strain.
Maybe it was placebo, but after switching to Comic Sans I was able to work much longer stretches of time (this may be unhealthy in other ways…) without feeling significant eye strain and the related headache which normally accompanied it.
My only gripe was it wasn’t a mono spaced font, and Comic Mono takes care of that. (and so far, eye strain/head aches )
I have astigmatism and likely dyslexia, although in my day it was never tested. Comic Sans is quite an open font, which is quite appealing as the astigmatism can cause single lines to appear as multiples, even with vision correction. However, I find that I have to put Comic at a larger size to make it legible, but I can worth with a smaller font size with “DejaVu Sans Mono”, which is also more upright.
The smaller font allows more text on screen at the same time, which can help with coding. For example longer lines of code without scrolling, and more of the code body on screen (again without scrolling). Even on a 16" MBP.
Thanks for sharing @Ian_Kennedy
I will give DejaVu Sans Mono a look.
Funny, been using Real/Xojo for well over 20 years and never used anything but MacOS default System.
I’m constantly amazed at the number of people who talk about the importance of readability, and then pick a sans serif font. Some secret desire to go blind? I can think of more fun ways to achieve this.
Sans serif fonts are fine for headlines and banners which is what they were designed for. But body text should always use a serif font for good readability. Consider the difficulty of discerning the difference between “rn” and “m” in a sans serif font, or the problem distinguishing between the lower case “l”, upper case “l” and the digit “l” in a sans serif font.
Courier is my coding font choice because of the serifs, and because it’s monospaced. There may be prettier ones that meet these criteria, but Courier is available everywhere.
On a 13" laptop a monospaced font takes up way too much horizontal space. I don’t really feel that a lack of serifs degrades readability for me, especially with syntax coloring, CamelCase, and other visual cues that accompany coding.
Thanks for sharing all of these fonts. I am taking a liking to the Comic Sans MS. It makes it very easy to differentiate between parenthesis and curly brackets.