Controlling Tab Bar Visibility

Feedback request: <>

Also, please note that Jason Tait’s Feedback request is very similar: <>

The following declare has worked for me to both hide and show a TabBar. Please note that I have not tested it extensively in a shipping app. In the app I created it for we changed direction on the UI and didn’t end up needing to hide the TabBar any where.

Public Sub SetHiddenTD(Extends objBar As iOSTabBar, bolHidden As Boolean)
  Declare Function tabBar Lib "UIKit.framework" selector "tabBar"(ptrController As Ptr) As Ptr
  Declare Sub setHidden Lib "UIKit.framework" Selector "setHidden:" (ptrView As Ptr, bolHidden As Boolean)
  Dim ptrController As Ptr = objBar.ViewControllerHandle
  Dim ptrBar As Ptr = tabBar(ptrController)
  setHidden(ptrBar, bolHidden)
End Sub