Constant <p1> not Instr'ed

Tim. Did you get the results on a PC?

Yes. Windows 7, Xojo 2016r2.1

Can you post a (small) file that fails, along with the actual code you’re using?

Not easily. It’s 1.6mb for the code. The file is the easier part.
If I can pare down to 2 windows It’d be less.
Also. My PC system is Windows 10 and XOJO 2017 1.1

Then just post the file and I’ll take a look at it.

That’s odd. The forum indicates a new post and that Arthur was the most recent poster 1 hour ago, but I don’t see another post. Arthur, if you posted and it went missing, please repost.

I know what happened. I thought I hit send. I looked at my message and it said “Post a Reply”. I tried it again and got the same response. I think it has a character limit. I’ll post a few lines and the rest will be via Dropbox

There 13 fields. The number 3 field is where I have the “constants”. The fields are tab-delimited, and the Pilcrow is a substitute for Linefeed or endofline.
If you can figure out something, I’d be thankful, even it’s a Windows 10 problem.

?The shorter text:
?? ?? a song; [??] a melody; an air; a tune; an aria¶??? an arietta.¶?? ??? a song composer.¶??? a collection of songs.¶?? ?? the song form Noun 0 0 2009-03-31
?? ?? The words of a song; the lyrics (???)¶??? a wordbook ? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???. The text of the song may sing well. Noun 0 0 2009-03-31
?? [??] skin; [? ? ??] (a) hide; [???] leather; [??] (a) fur; [???] (a) pelt¶?? ?? a fox fur.¶??? ?? a tiger ('s) skin¶?? ?? chamois (skin).¶?? ?? belt leather¶?? ?? imitation leather¶??? ??? skin (a tiger)¶??? ??? tan [taw, dress] a hide¶?? ??? ?? be all skin and bones; be worn [reduced] to a skeleton¶?? ?? a leather bag; a briefcase.¶?? ?? a tannery¶??? a (leather) strap; a thong; a leash (? ??? ??)¶?? ?? a leather bag; a waterskin (?? ??); a wineskin (???)¶?? ?? leatherwork; leathercraft¶??? a (razor) strap; a strop.¶??? leather shoes¶?? ?? leather gloves.¶?? ?? a leather belt ??? ??? ?? ?? ? ??.¶? ??? ??? ??? ???. Beauty is but skin-deep.¶The pelt is impervious to rain. Noun; Animal; Body Part 0 0 2009-03-31
?? keep; store; preserve; save; treasure (up) hold in mind; cherish; entertain¶1 [???] ??? keep; have (a thing) in one’s keeping [custody]; save; store; treasure (up); hoard (up)¶??? ?? ??? ??? keep goods under lock and key¶2 [???] ??? hold; keep; harbor; cherish; entertain; enshrine¶??? ??? cherish one’s memory ??? ??? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ???. ?? ?? ? ??? ???. The poor girl kept it all to herself.¶Store it away for future use. Adjectival Noun 0 0 2009-03-31
?? ?? deep impression. lit. Sense; impression motto¶??? ?? an impressive sermon¶??? ?? be impressed (by, with); be moved[touched] (by)¶??? ?? impress; move; touch; make an impression (on)¶?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? His speech made a great[deep] impression on the audience. ? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???. This book left little impression on me. Noun 0 0 2009-03-31

Grumble. It cuts all the tabs out.

It’s hard to tell from the posted text just what is what. Can you post (part of) the file on dropbox and share a link? It would be great to have the BOM and a few records.

I saved it in Textwrangler and it loads properly with none of my error messages (like no BOM present).
It has windows CR/LF.

It appears to work correctly (as far as I understand “correctly”). Here’s a small project with a single button. Run it in the debugger and you should get “hasBOM = True” and “n = 10” (the position of the first ). If you don’t, then it’s an issue with either Windows 10 or Xojo 2017 1.1. If you do, then there’s a problem somewhere in your code.

Thanks Tim
Well. That is good and interesting. I changed my code to:

MnStuff.Prm0L = "<p0>" 'MnStuff.Prm0L = &u3c + &u70 + &u30 + &u3e
and it found it.
I checked all of my points and the other Prm0R and I found I had switched from “/” to “”, but I know it was at one point “/” because I posted it above. I am happy and confused.