I made a little sample of what I meant: GitHub - Carharttguy/xojo-RestrictedComboBox: A ComboBox where you can only type something that corresponds with the list
[quote=309597:@Tim Parnell]
When a user pops open a PopupMenu they can start typing to select an item.
That is not the point of a ComboBox. Use a PopupMenu.[/quote]
That is true for you, and for me, and other people. But the people I’m targetting with my software are not tech types. They see a textbox: They type. They see a little arrow: They select from a list with a mouse.
They see a textbox and a arrow: We can do both?!?
Plus: You cannot really type something in a popupmenu, you must know what you’re searching. Typing an ‘a’ and 2 seconds later a ‘b’, it will only show you items that start with a ‘b’, not ‘ab’.
[quote=309598:@Tim Parnell]Overall (not directed at anybody in particular)
The point of a ComboBox is to offer a combination of TextField and PopupMenu. It allows you as a developer to provide a list of common examples that could save the user time, but allows them to fill in a value you might not have accounted for. By not allowing them to enter their own value, you’re tossing out the purpose of the control.
For example, you might see a ComboBox on a form for an Operating System field. It could start with Mac and Windows, but would allow a Linux user to type in their system. This is a super simplified example. We of course would know to add Linux to the list, and it may seem trivial to select from 1 of 3 options - but you have other UI issues if your PopupMenu is so long it can’t be navigated.[/quote]
And what if your PopupMenu contains 10.000 items? Scroll, scroll, scroll?
I could create a textfield, and a listbox, and do some listbox hiding etc… Ow wait, that’s what a Combobox is!
You’re right from a developer point of view, not so much in GUI usability IMO.
[quote=309606:@Michel Bujardet]I have to agree that using a combobox that way is, IMHO, perverting entirely the notion.
Just as saying “you can use Textfield, but don’t type anything but a specific list of words”…
Well… It is not my software…[/quote]
So you never use a mask, or a textbox that only accepts numerics? Or you don’t use a filter with a GetOpenFolderItem?
You can open files, but not everything?
Software should steer the user in the right direction as much as it can.
No offense to anybody, I respect the opinion of anyone. But the fact that this topic exists and I found it by Googling the same problem, must mean there are other opions!