Code signing error after update to mac os x Sierra

No I got new one today it did not fix it.

If I remember right, Photoshop adds resource forks to pictures. Sam mentioned it, once. He must take care of that.

But could this be other things that have resource forks ?

For me its just a really simple Application, Registrator which has nothing special. I tried based on your suggestion that it might be the images to delete the images but still same issue. (Compiled with Xojo 2016 r3)

Actually, I think App Wrapper takes care of pictures.

Bjorn, have you tried the 3.6.4 beta I posted in this thread. It has an additional cleaning system that removes even more cruft.

Thant works, thanks

I use: find path_to_the_app_contents_folder -exec xattr -c {} \\;" in my build script. Works fine but a bit slow.

Stanley, why not use the “-r” (dir recursion) flag with xattr instead of the “find” cmd? That’s much faster.

Yes indeed, it is faster, much faster, thanks!.. ~/Stan

Is the command?
exec xattr -r \

In my build script I use:

cmd = "xattr -rc " + CurrentBuildLocation + "/" + getShellString(CurrentBuildAppName) + ".app" + "/Contents" output = doShellCommand(cmd) If output <> "" then print output

Thanks, I am code signing manually in terminal.
xattr -rc
before I start manually code signing worked great and there were no error messages when code signing.
I have uploaded my app to the MAS with no problems.
Thanks, I was not expecting such a simple solution!

I don’t want to drive Sam off a cliff here but I’m on macOS 10.12.1 and Xcode 8.1 and I’ve tried AppWrapper 3.6.3 and the 3.6.4 beta (which expires today, by the way) and I get the same “similar detritus” issue. My logs fill up with “CSSM Exception: -2147409622 CSSMERR_TP_NOT_TRUSTED” errors but my Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority cert is valid.

So far I’ve found two other areas which can cause this issue but are not fixed with xattr, maybe you’ve stumbled onto a third! Which wouldn’t surprise me.

Your error does sound like there’s a trust issue somewhere, can you check the “Codesigning diagnostics” within App Wrapper and see what it says please.

Yep, I’ve been going mad trying to get this app signed and after digging further discovered there’s definitely something up with my certs. Sigh. Despite all looking okay in Xcode and App Wrapper, building an Xcode project causes it to sh*t itself in a similar fashion. So, I guess that’s good news from your point of view! I’ll confirm success when I get to it :wink: For now, I need a break from certificates and private keys and I’ll go enjoy homemade lasagne and copious amounts of red wine with my wife…

When I get this working, I think I’ll snapshot the whole setup as a VM and try to do all my signing in that from now on.

Have you tried recreating all your certs, and reinstall anew ?

Yes and I’ve had to do that several times over the years and usually that cleans up whatever the issue is. But something else is going on here (I suspect a corrupt Keychain) and App Wrapper seems innocent as Xcode can’t do the job either. Will report back.

Well, this has been fun. I’m successfully codesigning again but I don’t have much in the way of info for anyone finding this in the future.

Basically, I ruled App Wrapper out as Xcode was having issues too, so obviously I had to start there. The console was filling up with “CSSM Exception: -2147409622 CSSMERR_TP_NOT_TRUSTED” errors which Google hints is related to the Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority cert so naturally I deleted that and reinstalled, rebooting for good measure. Still no joy. I recreated the certs again. No joy. But I also noticed that my Keychain was filling up with certs. I mean, hundreds and hundreds of them. This is related to a problem when authenticating with Apple’s servers. Aha, a clue. But they’re also useless so I deleted them all. Rebooted. A further attempted codesign and… kernel panic! Yes, a kernel panic from an attempt at codesigning. But after restarting… everything is now fine. Sigh. I can codesign in Xcode and Appwrapper is, naturally, also happy now.

This all happened after the update to macOS 10.12.1 and Xcode 8.1. I’m pretty sure I was codesigning just fine, a few days ago, before updating.

The moral of the story is, as always, if you’ve a lot of work to do and can’t afford to lose any time, don’t upgrade your system.

To everyone and no in particular. I’m building a Mac app, with Xojo2016r3, running latest Sierra, and just got bit by the “resource fork…detritus” problem when I tried to codesign my app using Terminal as always. (My process is not automated, I do these steps by hand.) After the codesign error in Terminal, I googled around and found the already discussed “xattr -rc MyApp” solution. I tried it and it worked great…I THINK! I had to precede the codesign with a sudo now (never before), and I had to agree to some Apple terms, but then it worked. I then verified my app was indeed codesigned (it was), and all is well. I think. I got lucky, and found the error and the fix, but I hate to go on without knowing exactly what “xattr -rc” did to MyApp. Could it have removed something my app relies on? Any thoughts? THANKS!

xattr docs tell you what -r and -c do:

-r is recursive -c is clear attributes

Next time please start your own thread when your question isn’t entirely related.