clutter since El Capitan is installed

VMware (and parallels) do not provide decent Video / OpenGL drivers for Mac VMs, and thus are not an effective way of testing this sort of thing. It’s kind of ironic, since they provide much better OpenGL drivers for Windows VMs than do most windows hardware devices.

Hi Oliver,

where do i get app.OSXVersion from?? can’t see osxversion in app

what about this App.OSXDarkmode??

Thanks Joe, I did try using declare to the set the labelColor to the vibrant compatible color, but it made no difference for me. Plus once I moved to using Canvases the stupid anti-aliasing issues all went away.

Greg, it would be really great if there was a way in Xojo to take advantage of the wealth of OS X controls that Apple offers, without breaking the view hierarchy.

Here’s a handful of controls that are commonly found on modern Mac apps which we cannot use if we didn’t hack Xojo’s system.
• NSVisualEffectView
• NSPopover
• NSColorWell
• NSScrollView
• NSSearchField

I’m sure others can suggest controls I’ve missed. I did create a feedback case 2 years ago, maybe if it gains enough traction this is something that Xojo could implement.

As for the scrollview, you’re half way there with the textArea implementation.

I realize that there’s probably only a handful of Mac specific developers here, and I know that Apple are updating their OSes at lightning speed and it’s already hard for Xojo to keep up, let alone us.

I’d hate to see Xojo fall behind as bad as FileMaker, when I spoke to them a few years ago on behalf of a handful of their frustrated customers (because FileMaker apps can’t be sold in the App Store), FileMaker couldn’t care less and their engineers attitude was very arrogant, he almost said use a different tool, but ended up saying that FileMaker don’t support the App Store.

[quote=217919:@Sam Rowlands]I’m sure others can suggest controls I’ve missed. I did create a feedback case 2 years ago, maybe if it gains enough traction this is something that Xojo could implement.
I would like to merge my case <> with yours. iOS framework has introduced a nice way to create own controls with iOSUserControl. It would be great to have that expanded to Desktop.

Perhaps it will be coming with the new framework, if there’s already a iOS version?

That’s my hope. I don’t want to use unrecommended implementation ways too, but on the other hand there’s a lot of very tempting controls I’d love to have in my Mac apps. I have already ported my iOS SpriteKit framework to Mac OS X and cannot wait until you-know-what is solved. But I’d surely rather have a SKView class that doesn’t break Xojo’s view hierarchy.

You and I alike, I’d rather not have to resort to hacking, but on the other hand, I want to ship an application that looks and feels like a modern day OS X application.

I don’t want to have to re-write it a different language either.

[quote=217896:@Richard Duke]Hi Oliver,
where do i get app.OSXVersion from?? can’t see osxversion in app[/quote]
I am using OSXVersionInfo out of Bkeeney’s FTC control here. If you search the forum you may find various ways on how to determine correctly the current major and minor version of the OS, and then build your own logic arround it.

This is just a boolean property which I use to switch darkmode on or off.

Other modes would be:

[quote] view1.material = view1.NSVisualEffectMaterialLight
view1.material = view1.NSVisualEffectMaterialAppearanceBased[/quote]

Go figure:
In searching something else yesterday, I found a blog entry from March 1st, 2010 by Geoff, who talked about LLVM. Still in the waiting, nearly 6 years after the blog entry.

So, do not hold your breath. :frowning:

FileMaker don’t support the App Store
I also hate this kind of answer. Another one I hate too is: “you are the only one who have the trouble” !

BTW: is there’s some Terratech Home Cinema user around here ?

Not sure if this is related, but there seems to be a difference in behavior in 10.11 when using Canvas.Transparent=False