Client Side Error Message with Web App

I am not talking about the error.log, but about the message that pops in the browser, the black dialog with two boxes on top of each other and the two buttons “send” and “do not send” you talk about in your OP. The top box has a more informative message, and also lists the JavaScript code in which the error occurred.

This is exactly what I was complaining about :wink: So I have no choice but to send my controls to the browser in the default state and have them appear with all my labels saying things like “unconfigured” or “default” or just blank and then fill them in after that in the shown event. I can also send them all invisible and then set them up and make them visible in the shown event but this also is so much slower appearing to the user and just sloppy.

The open event should be able to be counted on to happen BEFORE the control is sent to the browser so that I can set any of the properties safely and then have it appear in that properly configured state.

For container controls you can do initial setup between instantiating the new control and embedding it and that will allow you to setup the initial state of the controls. But not everything works properly and the size of the control will not be correct so you can’t use the width and height to calculate offsets and such.

Ah. If it happens again, I have every intention of capturing the error details that way.

You can also make them invisible in the IDE and turn them visible in Shown.

Technically it is, and that’s why you’re having the problem. When you’re setting the properties, Xojo is sending JavaScript to change them in the browser; but because it doesn’t exist problems arise.


I guess a solution could be for Xojo to internally determine that if the control hasn’t arrived in the browser yet that properties should only be server-side and be changed for the initial send-to-browser. But that could lead to latency issues where you set properties while the control is already on the way to the browser and Xojo doesn’t send the JS to update.

Three options for now:

  • Control stays hidden, set properties in Shown and then set to visible. (by the way, that’s how the WebSDK recommends it for custom controls)
  • Send control visible with placeholder text like, “Loading…”
  • A general overlay loading screen that you hide once all the controls have received their proper labels.