
Please try it with WindowsArabic (Windows-1256) endcoding. Hope it works. :slight_smile:

Thanks! Where though … does that go?


You did it!!!

Thank you ALL so much!!!

Glad i could help. :slight_smile:

FYI, I did a session at the last XDC about Text Encodings and their relation to String that I think could help you understand why this didn’t work and is working now.

I don’t see a direct link, so perhaps @Dana Brown could supply one?

[quote=439228:@Philip McCarthy]HA!!!

You did it!!!

Thank you ALL so much!!![/quote]

You can do string.Convertencoding after you read it with the right one also.

Just FYI
You cannot convert a string from a NIL encoding to another encoding
Conversion only works from a known encoding to another known encoding

[quote=439238:@Kem Tekinay]FYI, I did a session at the last XDC about Text Encodings and their relation to String that I think could help you understand why this didn’t work and is working now.

I don’t see a direct link, so perhaps @Dana Brown could supply one?[/quote]
But no one can see the session video - all they’d see is the synopsis on the XDC event site
And you cant buy videos one at a time anyway :frowning: