Checking Codesign Signature In-App code

The codesign command has been installed since 10.6, may even be older. It’s the codesign_allocate that is no longer installed without Xcode. This allows code signatures to be verified.

Agreed, we grab the codesignature when someone asks for support, if someone contacts me with a different code signature or none at all, I assume that I don’t need to prioritize their support as chances are they’ve ripped me off.

We certainly receive less support from cracked versions now-a-days, but at the height of one products sales, I’d get people asking for features and help at least once a week (from a cracked version). My first reply would be that the application appears to be compromised and they need to download a fresh copy, 9 times out of 10 the conversation never went further.

For a while I was signing my app (with a helper) incorrectly. The codesign command showed that everything was okay. Only spclt (spelling?) showed that I had a screwed up signature.

I’m using RB App Checker for this.

[quote=144601:@Oliver Osswald]I’m using RB App Checker for this.[/quote]
This app is indispensable, Rainer is a great guy too! If you use App Wrapper 3, I’ve added a quick action to verify your ‘wrapped’ application in RB App Checker Lite after wrapping.