Canvas size vs Picture size

I don’t know how to convert from pixels to dpi and vice versa

Preview gaves you that:
The screen shot information is for an image of width: 1244 pixels
height: 1880 pixels
dpi: 72 pixels per inches (ppp in French).

dpi can be 72, 96 (old standard screen dpi) to… whatever value the image creator (a scan in the above case) decide (300 dpi is common, 600 dpi and higher for printing).

wikipedia is your friend here. To the base URL, you add the acronym and you get the info:

  • dpi gives you info about what is “Dot Per Inch”; and so on.
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Merci Emile,

Je vais me pencher sur la question de la conversion pixel/dpi. C’est peut-être là la question.

You don’t have to. Not for what you are trying to achieve, as I understand it.