Can't change the theme


I am looking at the forum in (Chromium) Edge on Windows 10 2020H2. The actual theme is Dark and I want to change it to light. So I click on my Icon, click Preferences and for Theme I select Light. I am told the Theme will change when I click Save. I click Save, the theme changes to Light . . . ad a second later reverts to Dark :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.

What’s wrong ?


Did you check the option:

Disable automatic Dark Mode theme switching

Maybe something in Windows is sending information to the forum to switch back to Dark?

Sorry if that doesn’t work, I don’t have Windows 10 2020H2

Alberto, you nailed it !!! I checked the option and succeeded. By the way I am running Windows 10 20H2, not 2020H2 :confounded: me.
