Can we please prioritise Xojo libraries?

All them are. The son of someone is sideloading an iPhone app somewhere using a vulnerability he found. Someone is decompiling a java app somewhere. All that is necessary is to become relevant and attract the attention of those specific 0,0001% guys that love challenges and have lots of spare time in those 7 billion people.

And that’s why I said there is no fix. But yes, you’re right, it could be made more difficult.

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Garry, did you know I make an app that manages plugins?
Plugins Pro

Some time ago I had asked Xojo to standardize a metadata file so that we as users could consistently find information about plugins, but Xojo showed very little interest: #59301 - Proposal for a standardized Plugin metadata manifest

When there’s more information available on what Libraries might manifest as and how we as users manage them, I may be able to include some kind of management functionality in Plugins Pro. It all depends on how we end up using and managing them, but if it seems appropriate to include in Plugins Pro maybe we could build something together?


How do we vote to Xojo increase the priority of a roadmap item (other than this forum) — are they in Feedback somewhere?


The roadmap is the culmination of internal priorities, surveys, emails, forum requests, and Issues thumbs up. It is important to note that delivery order is not the priority order. In other words, we may consider something lower on the list to be the highest priority, but it has a lot of work still to do.

If you have any Issues related to roadmap items, it would be helpful to give those a thumbs up. Mentioning specific case numbers on our surveys is also really helpful. I dive into all of those comments and look over the Issues mentioned with the team.

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If you mean the thumbs up should go here, my main item is #7 Making iOS controls lock the way all other project types do, but it is not critically urgent.

honestly I would like to see the reverse: the iOS constraint system extended to all projects
Keep a button centred is trivial without the need of extra code, the same for the height for a multiline label
The constrain editor could be better, maybe could be easier to set the simple starting things, but… the relative concept (top is distance from what? Window/Screen?, topLayoutGuide?, container? another object?) is really powerful.


Honestly, the Roadmap is not a roadmap. It’s list of Ideas, telling no real story.
A Roadmap, where the direction signs change when someone has another idea or the roads it self detour because, another road is easer to pave right now, is just garbage.

We’ve seen for so often, that signs popping up, shuffeling up and down and also vanishing from the roadmap.


I have to admit that I hated Auto Layout at first, but – while I still fight with it from time-to-time – it’s starting to grow on me. Of course much of what I’m doing is creating and applying constraints programmatically so my experience may vary from others. There are, however, still some issues where constraints seem to become randomly unbound when moving controls in the layout editor, but once I wrapped my head around what’s going on, it’s not…awful.

To bring it back around, though, my hope is for compiled libraries, not just a reusable container of project items.


Yeah, I’m a fan of the auto layout system on iOS, too. It can be a pain to set up for some layouts, but it offers a lot of depth that would otherwise require code.

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I agree auto layout is built into the operating system on iOS and Android so it is the way these things work, it won’t change. macOS has auto layout too and I would like to see it adopted. Locking is great but it has limits.


similar to Xojo Libraries, it would be nice if we could send a method to a database by menu or compiler. #pragma “library”
and in other project i can choose this method where modification is not possible.

created feature request

I simply don’t get what you are trying to say.

Let’s get back to topic.

Here are two request in the thread:

  1. We need a way to share code easier across projects and users (= xojo libraries),
    → for internal and open source projects
  2. We need a way to hide the xojo code from the user (= encryption, compilation, …)
    → mainly for commercial products

i see the disadvantage at libraries, you have to compile them before you can use it,
copy it to the right place and then compile the other project to see there is a conflict.

i updated my feature request, i think its equivalent to have an library.
it solve sharing code between projects/team mates/community.
database content can be encrypted.
(its not the same as GitHub Desktop)

Well, it is the same with DLL on Windows, or dylib on macOS and the equivalent on Linux.

Why is it a problem with Xojo, what am I missing ?

Well, we are talking about a compiled language. If you like scripts, check if XojoScript covers your needs.

Yes please, this is my #1 desire.

I’m no expert in libraries, but I go back and forth on sharing code with externals. At first I’m like “This is great - I’ll share this class/module across all my projects and only have one piece of code to maintain!”. And then some weeks later it’s “Oh, this app needs it to be slightly different, and this app needs it to be even more different” and soon everything is breaking and it’s way more work and stress. Then I make it all internal again and “Ahh, now I can just make this code work without worrying about it breaking one of the other apps”. Then later still - “This is stupid, I have almost the same code repeated across these apps, I should make them all link to an external!” Rinse and repeat.


Interesting point. A library shouild be a collection of “functions” that do one thing and only one. These functiosn may have more than one signature, but still do a single thing.

That those apps are different is Ok, but it may mean that:

  • A specific function does more than one thing
  • OR those other developers should not think about adapting one of the functions in the library but add their needed specifics in their own apps

This is a large discussion !