Auto save projects?

I had some weird stuff happen on my new Intel Macbook Pro not long after I got it.

What seems to have solved it is:

  1. Unticking the Show Control Strip Touch Bar option so that the touch bar isn’t on all of the time.
  2. Switching the screen saver away from one that shows graphics to one that just shows a message.

Thanks. I’ll try the screen saver. This is an iMac, so no touch bar. I have this problem pretty consistently on a new MacMini and a 2019 Macbook Pro as well. Doing some more reading today it appears this is a longstanding issue with the T2 chip and BridgeOS. I found articles about it dating back 2-3 years.

Interesting. We can reproduce that here. Greg is looking into why auto-recovery is not kicking in.


@anon20074439 - Could you check and see that the following directory exists and is writable?

~/Library/Application Support/Xojo/Xojo/Xojo 2021r3/AutoSave Projects

The folder doesn’t exist on mac or windows for any versions in this screenshot including 2019r1 which is where it turns up when I run a project in 2019r1.1


Same here:

Same here:

OK, I can reproduce this but Greg can’t which is odd. Please create as case for this. Attach steps to reproduce along with your video and then send me the case number so we can make sure someone looks at this for R1.

Thanks for the update, does Greg even see it in Windows?

I’ve already created the ticket <>

What happens if greg removes those folders i mean… could it be he still has those folders?

We didn’t try it on Windows given that you were showing it on the Mac.

Oh Geoff :slight_smile:

Almost every ticket I put in is in Windows, the tickets have the platform I’m on in them, I literally said above:

I literally only made a video in macos this one time to show you that it is also happening in macos because I couldn’t believe that you still couldn’t see it even though multiple people were saying it was an issue.

ah assuming something.

On windows i don’t see such folder in %APPDATA%/Xojo/Xojo none of those version folders have AutoSave …

I’m happy that this other issue is being looked at, but I’d like to get back to the original subject, which that feature would NOT have addressed because it was about my computer spontaneously combusting every few days: time-based auto-save of projects would have saved me between 15-25 minutes if run every 5 minutes.

I’ve opened a feedback case for it. Please subscribe and vote early and often if this matters to you. All I am asking for is a software robot to hit cmd-S for me every few minutes to save the currently open project in-place. It should be optional for those of you who don’t want it, and it should be for all project format types binary or text)



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