ARGEN is now open source

Hi. I see. There are several places, like:

  • Controls->TableListBox->GetSecondaryColor
  • App.SetupWindowMenu
  • App.HelpUsersGuide

where MBS plugins are still used, mainly: NSColorMBS, NSWorkspaceMBS, NSBundleMBS, NSMenuItemMBS, NSMenuMBS.
(And there are a few more places where #if TargetLinux is probably needed, but that another story)

NSColorMBS probably can be easily replaced by a simple color value, like for the non-macOS variant.
But, as I use now only Linux (and rarely Windows) I’m not sure how to replace these other “NS…something”… There was a topic a few hours ago: about macOS ARGen and MBS, maybe someone there has a helpful hint?