I got the new beta from the Ohanaware site, which is good until January (1/5 or thereabouts)
I am really sorry; I’m really busy with a whole bunch of things going on. Was hoping that one of them would have been finished at the end of November, but I am just about finishing up the optimizing on part of it.
The newer beta is available form here.
[quote=414281:@Jerry Fritschle]The DMG was created on 10.14.1. My Apple Certificates are in order, per the Codesign Diagnostics in AppWrapper. What I believe to be the relevant part of the log is here:
11/14/18 11:02:58 AM <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
notarization-info Date 2018-11-14T17:01:19Z RequestUUID dfeecfa4-72eb-424a-8fdd-cb3c200a1239 Status in progress Status Code 2 Status Message Package Invalid os-version 10.14.1 success-message No errors getting notarization info. tool-path /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application Loader.app/Contents/Frameworks/ITunesSoftwareService.framework tool-version 1.1.113811/14/18 11:02:58 AM StatusChanged: Analysis still in progress
11/14/18 11:03:56 AM StatusChanged: Checking with Apple for analysis results…
11/14/18 11:03:57 AM <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
11/14/18 11:03:57 AM Has a remote log, requesting that now
11/14/18 11:03:57 AM StatusChanged: Package Invalid retrieving the remote log…
11/14/18 11:03:58 AM Remote Log: {“logFormatVersion”: 1, “jobId”: “dfeecfa4-72eb-424a-8fdd-cb3c200a1239”, “status”: “Invalid”, “statusSummary”: “Archive contains critical validation errors”, “statusCode”: 4000, “archiveFilename”: “Demo_FTProofsheet_Client.dmg”, “uploadDate”: “2018-11-14T17:01:19Z”, “sha256”: “39c38c87a8ed922f9359a404684c36535f3e14f5952a497dea06d05f00a32f2c”, “ticketContents”: null, “issues”: [{“severity”: “error”, “code”: null, “path”: “Demo_FTProofsheet_Client.dmg”, “message”: “b’hdiutil: attach failed - no mountable file systems\
'”, “docUrl”: null, “architecture”: null}]}
11/14/18 11:03:58 AM b’hdiutil: attach failed - no mountable file systems
’ in Demo_FTProofsheet_Client.dmg[/quote]
thank you for your help
best regards
[quote=414281:@Jerry Fritschle]11/14/18 11:03:58 AM Remote Log: {“logFormatVersion”: 1, “jobId”: “dfeecfa4-72eb-424a-8fdd-cb3c200a1239”, “status”: “Invalid”, “statusSummary”: “Archive contains critical validation errors”, “statusCode”: 4000, “archiveFilename”: “Demo_FTProofsheet_Client.dmg”, “uploadDate”: “2018-11-14T17:01:19Z”, “sha256”: “39c38c87a8ed922f9359a404684c36535f3e14f5952a497dea06d05f00a32f2c”, “ticketContents”: null, “issues”: [{“severity”: “error”, “code”: null, “path”: “Demo_FTProofsheet_Client.dmg”, “message”: “b’hdiutil: attach failed - no mountable file systems\
'”, “docUrl”: null, “architecture”: null}]}
11/14/18 11:03:58 AM b’hdiutil: attach failed - no mountable file systems
’ in Demo_FTProofsheet_Client.dmg[/quote]
Okay, so I’m starting to see a few people with issue and I have also experienced it myself. At the moment, I can only conclude that something (I don’t know what just yet) goes wrong when code signing the DMG. It’s been hard to figure out as it doesn’t happen all the time. Almost everytime it happens, simply doing it again creates a new DMG which works. I now have a bunch of these broken DMG files, so I’m going to see if there is a way I can get App Wrapper to detect a broken DMG.
I have not had a failure for some time now. One mistake I made early-on was that when I edited my dmgCanvas template for a new workflow, I set it with the source (pre-wrapped) app bundle, not the one that appears in the “Wrapped Application” directory. Simply, the .dmg did not have the right file (which really didn’t exist yet.) So I copied the bundle into the destination folder, edited the template appropriately, and that made a world of difference. Like I said, silly goof, but perhaps I’m not alone.
I’ve previously noted that I use iCloud synching for my Desktop and Documents (Sam has politely made his opinion of that known to me ), and I long ago learned to stay away from these directories when doing this, as (like Dropbox) they produce weirdness when code signing.
Hello Sam ,
Any idea where I can put this in the Wrapper app ?
[code]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
com.apple.application-identifier com.appname com.apple.security.app-sandbox com.apple.security.smartcard [/code]It is an entitlement that has to be used in order to use a smart card reader.
I had reported an issue related to this to the developer a few weeks ago and he replied: “I’m not yet sure why this happens, but it seems possibly an issue with the underlying system in macOS which does the disk image creation. For now, a restart will kick it back into working.”
Joking: (Please do not start to rant about Apple & macOS Issues again, Sam)
I couldn’t at the moment, even if I wanted too… I am so very tired (and not finished).
Maybe extend the Beta expiration date to the end of january and concentrate on your important project. And if you can, stay away from Xojo entirely for the last 2 weeks of december, do it. Your health is more important than anything.