app-wide help tag switch for OS X

Sometimes entertaining a fructuous conversation and interacting with people who try to help is not only simple courtesy, it may lead to a valid solution. Collective research is based on replying to one another and not ignoring suggestions.

There are several example of threads where I participated that started with apparently unsurmountable hurdles, which after exchanges amongst participants arrived at excellent workarounds. We have long passed the BBS era when disk space was limited and “cluttering” discussions could have wasted scarce resources. Today if anything, the most precious resource is human interaction, lost in an ocean of semi autistic egotism.

I am sorry for overreacting, but still consider that when someone takes the time to post a suggestion, as I did, after verifying it works, a short comment is in order. A thank you is not even required, a simple mark of interest, or even an argumented dismissal can advance the discussion. In computer terms, it is called a handshake. It maybe time to think about it when posting.

Now, coming back to your original question, I know a way in Cocoa to remove helptags for all controls in an application at once. It is not exactly the same as the Carbon declare you describe, since once that method has been used, the only way to reinstate help tags is to close and reopen windows. But it has the advantage to be easy to implement.

Just tell me if that could be of interest. Thank you.

in a cocoa app iterate the controls & remove their help tag at runtime
if they are all rect controls its a simple loop on the window in question

OK Michel. Thanks again.

[quote=119541:@Norman Palardy]in a cocoa app iterate the controls & remove their help tag at runtime
if they are all rect controls its a simple loop on the window in question[/quote]

Interesting suggestion Norm. But that’s a one way street right? Once you strip you cannot go back until relaunching the app? ie. if the user starts with a no help tags preference then turns them on to get info on how a control works, he’d have to quit and relaunch, correct?

When looping through all the controls on the window to remove the help tags save them to a dictionary. When help tags are requested, loop through the controls and restore them.

very clever idea, thx Jim. This may be the way to go.

You could, as Jim notes, make it so you can save / restore them

Appkit et al just don’t make this possible the way that Carbon did

Carbon had a great low level API - but not much in terms of app frameworks
It was very amenable to what we needed

Cocoa has a wonderful app framework but its low level API is oriented around “apps” not “tools”
It’s differently enabled :slight_smile: