App rejected over mixed localizations

I would not remove these. They are not considered as “supported languages” when the OS examines your app for which localizations it supports. At most you’ll save about 55K.

Nice in case the XojoFramework/Resources lproj files are not used by the OS to recognize languages built in.
But I would leave it to the AppWrapper function to “remove selected languages”. :wink:

I’ve left this for moment; but it does illustrate something that’s a bit peculiar with how localization works. Basically the cause of the issue was that only the en.lproj was missing from the Xojo framework, why I couldn’t tell you. I suspect it was either a disk related issue or a temporary glitch with the OS. I had to reboot anyway as Metal stopped working.

Now the other languages were still in the Xojo Framework, so either the OS was picking up Arabic from the Xojo framework, or it was actually substituting with the user local script.I had always assumed that the “Hide App” & “Hide Others” were dynamic created by the OS, now I am not so sure.

The trouble with this problem is that it only occurred on machines that were not set to English, bearing in mind that this application is in English only, I find that the grievance caused by this, not to mention the amount of time that everyone put in trying to figure this, to be unfair and unjust.

This was not a bug with my code, this was not a crash caused because I didn’t manage memory correctly. This was a ‘one of those circumstantial glitches’ that is not an issue for my intended audience.

To me it’s a bit like a Brit reviewing a car intended for the French market in England and then stopping the car manufacturer from selling it in France because the speedo only displays kph.

Well, I get the occasional report that my app is in German. Last one was from a japanese customer. Which also is something that couldn’t be. It’s not every user because that would be too easy.

No user EVER would have complained about this. Apple reviewers are overly picky.

The Brits are just confused on left and right handed driving.

There is method in our madness, I can assure you. When you drive a manual gearbox car, which hand do you keep on the steering wheel when shifting gears?

Here is the problem even in the session logs:

2018-05-31, 22:42:12 Locale: Japanese
2018-05-31, 22:43:00 Dialog: Nach dem Neustart des Programms wird die neue Sprache angezeigt!

The dialog is in german with a japanese locale. Isn’t this odd?

The last time I was in Britain the colleague always put his hand to the door because the gearbox is on the wrong side. He only missed one red stop light because he was concentrating on the lanes.

[quote=391488:@Beatrix Willius]Here is the problem even in the session logs:

2018-05-31, 22:42:12 Locale: Japanese
2018-05-31, 22:43:00 Dialog: Nach dem Neustart des Programms wird die neue Sprache angezeigt!

The dialog is in german with a japanese locale. Isn’t this odd?[/quote]
I can’t explain that one, except for perhaps it cannot find the Japanese translation, of that dialog and it’s resorting to the German, you are 100% that dialog is using a constant and not hard coded?

The few times I’ve been in Germany (many years ago) I was surprised by the way in how Taxi drivers would twist their arms to keep their right arm on the steering wheel, and use the left to shift gears. It was at that moment, I knew that the British way wasn’t dumb or to simply be awkward.

Doesn’t matter so much now that most cars are automatic and/or come with paddle shifters, so you never have to take any hand of the steering wheel. Unless of course you prefer a manual car. Incidentally when I first started driving in Taiwan (which is on the right hand side), I’d find that the car would lerch to the left or right when I was launching hard as I’d be using my right arm to shift gears and my left simply wasn’t strong enough to hold it straight.

Left hand on steering wheel, Right hand on gearbox… but then we drive on the correct side of the road ( :slight_smile: )

The German in the dialog is from switching the language. My app logs the dialogs as they occur. There is no japanese translation file.

And which arm is your strongest one? There’s a 90% chance that your right arm is the strongest one, and the arm that is more likely to be able to keep the car going straight as acceleration builds.

I encountered this problem personally with the first car I owned in Taiwan (I learned to drive in England), while not very powerful, could easily pull sideways when I switched gears while launching. The second car I owned here, was gutless and an auto. The habit of wanting to shift gears has never died, and I naturally find myself moving my hand to the shifter, even when it’s not needed. The car I have now, if I launch hard without both hands on the steering wheel, it can be momentarily scary. The first time I did a hard launch, I almost hit the concrete barrier. I’ve gotten better with controlling her horses, but that first time, I nearly soiled the brand new seats.

Let me just confirm that I understand this correctly. There is no Japanese localization, so on a Japanese system which language does it normally display? What you’re saying is when it reaches that particular dialog, the language that a Japanese customer was seeing then gets changed to German (I assume the language that you use to build the application), is this just for this dialog or does the rest of the application then also display in German for the Japanese customer?

No, because the wheel is not at the correct location (left instead of right as must be in a UK car)… :wink:

Beware of the German example(s). Some years ago, I checked a German example shared in the forum and in my French macOS, I ger German Menu names. Per se, I do not care, but a check of a german example (created with the current version ?) may have to be done and the result advertised.

Warning: it just may be because the example creator set its menus in German instead of using constants: I do not know.

The app has localization for German. English is default. For some users the app starts with the German localization so that everything is in German.

Gotchya. In the “Shared” build settings of your application, is your language set to “Default” or “English”?

There was an issue whereby Xojo was writing a language folder called “Default.lproj” when “Default” was selected in the language menu of the “Build” settings. The OS believed that this folder was meant as “DE” or German. It seems like Xcode creates a folder called “Base.lproj”.

@Beatrix: it was not one of yur projects. But because you chimed in, can you set your OS Language to English and run one of your project created when your OS Language was German ?
I was feeling that ASH was making default to Germain, but since this was a simple feeling, I do not wanted to say that earlier.

@Sam:because I do not cared about that, I never make a serch to understang what happened. And, this may have changed (two or three years after).