This morning I updated the Xojo project further, to eliminate the rest of the deprecated function warnings, and to include the necessary Windows DLLs to make it run there. I also updated the readme’s installation instructions, and re-ordered the class/type/function lists so they’re alphabetical.
If you are on Windows and want to give this a try, I’d appreciate it. It works great for me, but someone else trying it is having trouble loading the DLL.
IMPORTANT: OpenCVC.dll and LibOpenCVC.dylib are just wrappers for the OpenCV libraries. On the mac, this is included in the dylib. On Windows it’s a separate file called opencv_world452d.dll, which is included in the package. But, both the Mac dylib and opencv_world452d are zipped because of space constraints on github. These need to be unzipped before anything will work. They’re in the ‘external’ folder. There’s a note about this in the installation instructions.
Also, this is 64bit only. Everything in the project should be set up so that it just works, but if it doesn’t, let me know, and better, let me know what needs to be changed to fix it so I can update the project.
Get it here: