Analysis of Xojo’s Bug Tracking System

I hope there wasn’t too much funding invested in this report, it reads like it’s straight from ChatGPT with its word salad phrases. ChatGPT-generated stuff makes my skin crawl.

However, it does raise a point, and one which we’ve discussed at some length as MVPs. It must surely be a net negative to the system to keep feedback requests and bugs from the REAL Studio and REALbasic days, cases which have >50% chance of being totally irrelevant or fixed nowadays. Some of that stuff is coming from the FogBugz days. It clutters the bug system, looks bad, and surely has no real value to the team.

I disagree that Xojo has a “serious” bug problem. It is an extremely productive environment for me and many others, but these ancient reports can’t possibly help the bug system, nor do anything for perceptions of Xojo’s handling of it.


Are they not considered closed already?

There are several still open, for example the one I posted above #64255
There are 13 Open with label ‘Not Actionable’
There are 4 Open with label ‘Already Exists’
There are 3 Open with label ‘By Design’
There are 8 Open with label ‘Fixed’
There are 31 Open with label ‘Not Reproducible’

Except perhaps the ‘not reproducible’ label, where the user may give more information, all the other labels you mention should equal to a closed case automatically, should they not?


I stopped to make reports, write example code and follow tracker status.
There’s a very bad quality check they do internally. After ten years or more reporting that Desktopmenu handling on Windows platform is problematic (.enabled, .visible), and still not working… They made a little change that it’s not even working as it should and still buggy… do you really think I have to invest money and time with new projects with Xojo and continue to report bugs? I’m really curious which is the renewing rate of existing licenses. I think they want only attract new customers and keep the ones that are paying for thew highest price license.

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Do you have tickets (links) for these old issues?

  • Xojo 2024r2 Release Notes
    Windows: DesktopMenuItem.Visible is now supported for Windows. Note: this does not affect the deprecated MenuItem. (72468)

This was not fixed and it’s a total mess with menus and submenus not working and showing in total faulty order. I really don’t think that I’m the only one of Xojo’s customer that uses DesktopMenuItem.Visible on Windows platform. So if you don’t hear something from your customers anymore about it then you should ask yourself why and how many customers you lost by not fixing basic and important UI features for Windows.


If this does not work properly, and I suspect it does not (just did some testing) then you should re-open the ticket or ask in the ticket for it to be re-opened. Posting here about it does not help.

Looks like Giulio is tired of spending time, creating samples and the case be marked as fixed and is not really fixed.

Maybe someone else can create the Issue? (I don’t have Windows at hand to test/create a sample). Let’s hope this time it gets fixed.


I made a few tests (menuitems.visible=true and false, also with top level menuitems and subitem) with Xojo 2024r2.1 on Windows 10 and macOS Sonoma and it works as i would expect. So you may hit something in a more complex scenario. Noone is able to fix something without reproducing it. Please don’t give up.

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From what I remember is a combination of .visible and .enabled. I think there is a discussion about this not long ago.

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Hi Thomas , thank you for your effort. could you send me please your test example?

However, discussion started about bug tracking system
This are the stats from Operating System Market Share Worldwide | Statcounter Global Stats

If Xojo takes so little effort to fix bugs for the most used desktop platform (Windows) and is only at the beginning for Android apps why should I invest money and time for Xojo anymore? Will Xojo handle at the end Android like Windows? At this point if Xojo is only Apple product concentric put at least all the effort to IOS to have a winning product.
I think Bug Tracking System will be more and more be overfloated and go out of control of what is really important.

The ticket does not provide any details for this, unfortunately…

@Geoff_Perlman : I would recommend a hard cut and closing ALL cases that no one has touched for X months, all those that were classified as “not reproducible” and the OP did not respond to them, and so on…

Even if a few reports were lost that perhaps should not have been closed and would therefore have to be “rediscovered” and re-reported…

Then Xojo, Inc. would have a basis on which to work more effectively and there would be less of an impression that there are errors that are not of interest. :slight_smile:

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They already attempted this and people got mad. That’s why it’s a review at two years now.


Ironically, on this very subject, Xojo told us since at least the Real Basic days, that the visible property of menu items wasn’t available on Windows because the OS itself didn’t support setting menu item’s visibility. We, as users, were just accepting this fact for years.
And some months ago, that property was suddenly made available in Xojo for Windows, as if that property had been implemented in the OS in-between; I was surprised a lot.

That is to say, possibly Windows still doesn’t support direct visibility on menu items (as announced for years by Xojo/RS/RB), and Xojo eventually found some “hack” that mimics the property, but is subject to malfunctioning :man_shrugging:

How would you expect that would fix the issue better?

I guess they are not the only ones with the problem, so, someone else that can reproduce the problem can create the issue as the original poster said they don’t report bugs anymore.

I don’t use Windows, I don’t have a Windows machine, I’m sorry I can’t help here.

Maybe only 1 person is using DesktopMenuItems visible/enable on Windows and is not an important bug?

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Maybe we have to wait for the next release - my issue with Windows.Desktopmenus .enable/.visible ( is closed and marked as fixed in 2024R4

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This is true, but how do you measure the good ones against the bad ones – – or don’t you?