An update on 64 bit...

It will be a good week on that day.

To really be fair: I tried to read the release notes, but I had a hard time reading (trying to find something nice there). Remember, I will not use iOS; so take that into account: this is not a good week if you remove iOS from Xojo 2014r3 (2014 r THREE).

Oh, if I was eagerly awaiting iOX, I would tell this week is a wonderful week.

[quote=151330:@Emile Schwarz]It will be a good week on that day.

To really be fair: I tried to read the release notes, but I had a hard time reading (trying to find something nice there). Remember, I will not use iOS; so take that into account: this is not a good week if you remove iOS from Xojo 2014r3 (2014 r THREE).

Oh, if I was eagerly awaiting iOX, I would tell this week is a wonderful week.[/quote]
When we added Linux and later the web framework, some people were thrilled while others said, “Meh.” But even if today you don’t need one of the platforms we support, you at least know that if you have the need some day, you have the means to fulfill that need.

64 bit Linux/console/web +1 !!

Great news on the 64 bit front!

any anticipation for when Win platform will have this? :slight_smile:

I will agree with Geoff about the scheduling of projects. Web servers running on Linux boxes are more valuable rather the desktop apps.

Linux 64 bit has become urgent for Web Edition. Hosts are massively 64 bit today, with little or no support for 32 bit.