Aloe Discussion

[quote=371614:@Dirk Cleenwerck]Would like to know if this is something we need to consider.
If there are no real benefits, I would prefer not to reprogram over 90 API calls.[/quote]

when i first read your message I read 9 API calls. and was like sure, migrate that over… until I re-read the message on the full-sized screen (laptop) and was like err… wait a second… Migrating 90 API calls is a massive chore. Not even in the same ballpark for level of effort.

this and


are my two biggest reasons to go with Aloe.Express. IF I had my API fully fleshed out and running in production today under Luna or Aloe, would I change it? nope. But I would look at migrating to Aloe.Express for the next generation of the API.

the REST API I was writing under WE+Aloe, I could overrun with a single Postman[1] instance running through the API. And my issue was the startup cost of the session and processing it just took long enough I was dropping ~5-7% of my calls when I had low latency between Postman and the API server. When I was at places like coffee shops, cafes, airports, hotels, I was running ~10-23% drop rate (same laptop running Postman). I mitigated the drop rates by running 3+ instances of the WE+Aloe app on the host with HAProxy in front of it load balancing across all the instances. That got my drop rate down to (near) 0%/1% respectfully. I say near zero as occasionally I will drop a single API call. Now I am going to deploy Aloe.Express the same way I am doing Aloe (HAProxy for load balancing & SSL termination, 3+ Aloe.Express nodes on the backend - all on a single host)

Now the performance increase, latency in the API server, etc is reduced with Aloe.Express. I don’t have hard numbers for you as I have not ported the API calls over to Aloe.Express yet. I have been playing with some mock up test API to do some basic testing. Now my work with Aloe.Express for non-API server work has proven to me the speed and flexibility of it.