Advent of Code 2024

Day 7 wasn’t too bad.

Day 7 spoiler

I used a recursive method to perform each operator on the subsequent values, which, now that I type it, is harder to describe than to show.

Private Shared Function TestValues(values() As Integer, index As Integer, incoming As Integer, testValue As Integer) As Boolean
  if index > values.LastIndex then
    return incoming = testValue
  end if
  return TestValues( values, index + 1, incoming + values( index ), testValue ) or _
  TestValues( values, index + 1, incoming * values( index ), testValue )
End Function

I call this as:

if TestValues( values, 1, values( 0 ), testValue ) then ...
Part 2 spoiler

This is essentially the same thing but has to consider the possibility of concatenation.

Private Shared Function TestValues2(values() As Integer, index As Integer, incoming As Integer, testValue As Integer) As Boolean
  if index > values.LastIndex then
    return incoming = testValue
  end if
  var thisValue as integer = values( index )
  if TestValues2( values, index + 1, incoming + thisValue, testValue ) or _
    TestValues2( values, index + 1, incoming * thisValue, testValue ) then
    return true
  end if
  var exp as integer = log( thisValue ) / log( 10 ) + 1
  var mult as integer = 10^exp
  var shiftedIncoming as integer = incoming * mult
  var sendToNext as integer = shiftedIncoming + thisValue
  return TestValues2( values, index + 1, sendToNext, testValue )
End Function
Day 7 Spoiler

I didn’t use recursion. I just generated every permutation of the operations in a loop. I love a puzzle where both parts can be solved by changing a single variable (nOps).
Part 2 took about 9 seconds on my ancient MacBookPro.

Public Sub main()
  var inpData() As String = Split(pzlData,EndOfLine)
  var lg10 As Double = log(10)
  for pzlPart as Integer = 1 to 2
    var validCount As Integer = 0
    for i as Integer = 0 to inpData.LastIndex
      var tempS() As String = inpData(i).Split(":")
      var result As Integer = tempS(0).ToInteger
      var operandStr() As String = tempS(1).trim.Split(" ")
      var operand() As Integer 
      var nOps As Integer = pzlPart+1 '(2 or 3 for pt1 & pt2 respectively)
      for j as Integer = 0 to operandStr.LastIndex
        operand.Add operandStr(j).ToInteger
      next j
      var comboCount As Integer = nOps^(operand.LastIndex)-1
      for iCombo as Integer = 0 to comboCount
        var acc As Integer = operand(0)
        for op as Integer = 1 to operand.LastIndex
          var q As Integer = (iCombo\(nops^(op-1))) mod nOps
          Select case q
          case 0 'multiply
            acc = acc * operand(op)
          case 1 'add
            acc = acc + operand(op)
          case 2 'concat
            var ndigits As Integer = (Log(operand(op))/lg10)+1
            acc = acc*10^ndigits+operand(op)
          End Select
          if acc>result then exit for op 'acc already bigger than result, so abort
        next op
        if result = acc then 'success
          validCount = validCount+result
          exit for iCombo
        end if
      next iCombo
    next i
    PrintLine "Part "+pzlPart.ToString+" solution: "+str(validCount) 
  next pzlPart
End Sub

So I was stumped with day 7 for a while… then finally realized my compiler settings was on 32-bit instead of 64-bit.

What was strange though is that I used UInt64 everywhere, but the two output modes gives difference answers. I would have expected them to give the same answers when using UInt64 types.

Your recursive solution is very elegant Kem. Couldn’t you just have changed it as follow for part 2 though?

Spoiler Day 7 - Part 2
Public Function TestValues(values() As UInt64, index As Integer, incoming As UInt64, testValue As Integer) As Boolean
  if index > values.LastIndex then
    return incoming = testValue
  end if
  return TestValues( values, index + 1, incoming + values( index ), testValue ) or _
  TestValues( values, index + 1, incoming * values( index ), testValue ) or _
  TestValues( values, index + 1, Val(Str(incoming) + Str(values( index ))), testValue )
End Function

Sure. I suspect that would have been slower but would have worked fine.

What kind of speeds did you guys get for Day 7 part 2?

Because of the way I did mine in a loop, it meant recalculating each combination from the beginning. I could have modified it not to do that, but didn’t seem worth the effort.

Compiled, under 300 ms.

Meanwhile, I don’t even understand Day 8…

I had to read it a few times…

Day 8 Part 1 spoiler

Work down your grid. When you find an antenna, locate each antenna of the same frequency further down the grid, then calculate its difference of row and column. On a separate grid, place a marker at origRow - rowDiff and another at origCol - colDiff, as long as those are within bounds. Then put another marker at foundRow + rowDiff and foundCol + colDiff

As for part 2…

Part 2 spoiler

It’s basically the same idea except once you get rowDiff and colDiff, work backwards as far as you can from the original point, then put a marker at each point from there moving forward until you are out of bounds.

I didn’t have any problem understanding what they were looking for. The example was clear enough to me.

Day 8 Spoiler

I didn’t use a grid array for this one. I scanned the input and saved the coordinates in a dictionary. A single dictionary entry for each transmitter ID with all of the transmitter coordinates in that entry.

My Point2D class has come in handy a couple of times now for checking whether a point is out of bounds. Also my combination generator was useful.

Uses a dictionary to organize transmitter locations:

'Process input data
var inpData() As String = Split(pzlData,EndOfLine)
var d As new Dictionary
var rows As Integer = inpData.LastIndex
var cols As Integer = inpData(0).Length-1
var node As new Point2D(0,0,rows,cols)
var ndCount As Integer = 0
'Add all transmitter coordinates to dictionary
for r as Integer = 0 to rows
  var rData() As String = inpData(r).Split("")
  for c as Integer = 0 to cols
    if rData(c)<>"." then
      var ks As byte = rData(c).AscByte
      var v As d8 'd8 contains two integer array properties r() and c()
      if d.HasKey(ks) then 
        v = d.Lookup(ks,nil)
        v = new d8
      end if
      v.r.Add r
      v.c.Add c
    end if
  next c
next r

Parts 1 & 2 use a second dictionary to avoid duplicate nodes. This is the code for part 2 only (part 1 is similar but simpler)

var xType() As Variant = d.Keys
var xLocn() As Variant = d.Values
var nTypes As Integer = xType.LastIndex
var dNodes As new Dictionary
for t as Integer = 0 to nTypes
  var xloc As d8 = xLocn(t) 'd8 contains 2 integer array properties r() & c() for xmtr coords
  var combo() As Integer 'holds nCr type combinations
  for i as Integer = 0 to xloc.r.LastIndex
    combo.add i
  next i
  Do 'for each combination of transmitter pairs
    var r0 as Integer = xloc.r(combo(0)) 'Get coords of the xmtr pair
    var c0 as Integer = xloc.c(combo(0))
    var r1 As Integer = xloc.r(combo(1))
    var c1 As Integer = xloc.c(combo(1))
    var deltaR As Integer = r1-r0 'calculate coords of the two nodes
    var deltaC As Integer = c1-c0
    node.R = r1 'first node
    node.C = c1
    while node.inBounds
      node.R = node.R+deltaR
      node.C = node.C+deltaC
    node.R = r0 'second node
    node.C = c0
    while node.inBounds
      node.R = node.R-deltaR
      node.C = node.C-deltaC
  Loop Until NextCombination(xloc.r.LastIndex,1,combo)=False
next t
ndCount = dNodes.KeyCount 'Solution value

I’ve finally got my run times into the microsecond range. :slight_smile:

Impressive to get it into the microsecond range Robert!

Day 8 Spoiler

I used fairly similar approach to the solutions given above, with some slight variants. On the first pass I built a lookup dictionary of all the frequencies that holds an array of all their positions on that map.

Then on the second pass I looped through the freq dictionary and their positions and calculated the antinodes, while using a second dictionary of keeping track of used locations.

Runs in about 17ms.


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I did a straight array scan. Using a Dictionary might have made things faster, but my solution runs in 11 ms, so I think I’ll leave it alone.

I just realized that I’ve written no significant code for the past year. Not since AOC 2023. For the first few puzzles, I felt that I was just blundering through them. After the last couple of puzzles, I’m finally beginning to feel more like my old nerdy self.

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Every now and then you come up with code that works that you absolutely hate. Day 9 is like that.

I falling behind a bit… I hope to catch up with you guys in the next few days.

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I managed to make Day 9 far more difficult than it needed to be. Struggled with part 2 for ages and then decided to go to bed. Five minutes of staring into the blackness, the answer came to me. Back to the computer and got it done.

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It works that way a lot. I thought of a cleaner way to do it after I went to bed too, but since it runs fairly quickly, I’m not going to refactor.

Ironically, I unknowingly solved Day 10 part 2 first, got the wrong answer (of course), refactored to get the right answer, then duplicated what I did originally to get the part 2 answer (again).

I nearly did the same thing. Before I had the part 1 code finished, I went back and re-read the puzzle and while it wasn’t completely clear, the code didn’t need to change much to work either way. So, once part 1 was complete, part 2 was only a few more seconds to do.

Day 10 Spoiler

Recursive routine to traverse the grid (given a zero elevation starting point):

Public Function Traverse(grid(, ) As integer, r As integer, c As integer, d As dictionary) As Integer
  var startpt As new Point2D(r,c,grid.lastindex(1),grid.lastindex(2))
  var trCount As Integer = 0
  for dir as Integer = 0 to 6 step 2 'test adjacent pts in 90 degree increments
    var tstPt As Point2D = startpt.cpyIB(dir) 'Inbounds copy of input point one position away
    if tstPt<>nil and grid(tstPt.R,tstPt.C)=grid(r,c)+1 then
      if grid(tstPt.R,tstPt.C)=9 then 'reached target trail end
        trCount= trCount+1
        trCount = trCount + Traverse(grid,tstPt.r,tstPt.c,d)
      end if
    end if
  next dir
  Return trCount
End Function

The d.KeyCount is the part 1 solution.
The returned value of the function is the part 2 solution

I find this one tricky.

Well, I figured we were due for an “infinite processing time” puzzle and it looks like Day 11 part 2 is it. I have a theory as to how to attack it but it’s going to have to wait until tomorrow. I have to be up bright and early tomorrow morning, so I have to get some sleep now.