2022 R2 Web Toolbar control not in library

I’ve watched a couple of videos on the web toolbar control. Create and Use the WebToolBar in Xojo Web 2.0 - YouTube says that it should be available in the library. On my fresh install of 2922 R2, with a Pro license, it isn’t. What am I missing?



If you are looking for Sarah Connor, believe me, I don’t know where she lives, spare me, please.

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Here it is:

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I wonder if the OP is looking for ‘WebToolBar’ ?

This would relate to my question I asked recently about the confusing API2 control names (how the IDE sometimes shows ‘WebToolBar’ and sometimes just ‘ToolBar’
See https://forum.xojo.com/t/what-is-the-long-term-plan-for-cross-platform-control-class-names/

Unfortunately, in the Web2 Library pane, if you search for the actual control class ‘WebToolbar’ - you get no hits:


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Yes, that could be the case. It is confusing for new users when the docs/videos talk about webtoolbar but the library shows the short name (toolbar) and when you drag that to the page, the Super says webtoolbar: