2018R3 - What happened to the HTMLviewer ?

For this project switching on Support for Hi-DPI is not the same behavior as using SetProcessDPIAware like I did. Switching this option on has a lot of graphical affects when the user is having a 125% setting which we don’t want for this project. In most cases it would be a rich option, but not for this desktop project.
Prior to the 2018 release, so up till 2017R3, my approach was working fine with HTMLviewer.
I’ve found a workaround: 1. using the declare and setting the Win10 option “disable display scaling” for the exe. Even on updates of the exe to the same location, it keeps working fine since the OS stores this info. And it is possible to script this option in my installer.
Thanks @William Yu for the explanation.

Sorry I can’t delete or edit my previous post.

I found my answer:
App - Inspector - Appearance - DefaultWindow - None.

@William Yu I need to apologize , the temporary file had extension “.tmp” which should be “.htm”